Saturday, June 27, 2015

The unfinished dream

I heard the alarm go off at 8. It woke me from a dream in which someone was showing me a new kind of quilt template. She had shown me the first part and where the second part snaps on, but I never got to see the second part because of the alarm. Phooey! So I stayed in bed to recapture the dream with no luck. It was almost 9 when I got up. I opened the windows and turned on the fan. I checked e-mail. A friend sent me an article about the indoor air of a car containing toxic amounts of benzene. No author was cited, so I looked it up. Snopes and several other sites said it was a hoax. Chris sent me an e-mail with a link to his flikr site showing pics of the hotel in Seoul. IT HAD A PILLOW MENU. Yes, you can call the front desk to request the pillow of your choice. It was a beautiful room and he said it was cheaper than DHL on post. Then I swished and brought in the rain water. I started processing it and exercised while the coffee maker did its thing. I got about a gallon and a half. I juiced and meditated. Then I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail and then watching a video some kid did about his school lunches. I had to pause the video to get dressed and go to Sheryl’s house. I got there right at noon, but they were not home. They arrived soon after. We made some space in the sewing room and he brought up two book shelves. We assembled the two units. From a thousand places we found fabric and stacked it in the cubby holes. Dad called to thank me for his card. I promised him I would e-mail Chris’ address to Faye who would pass it on to him. Sheryl and I continued to sort and stack. Later Denise called to chat. We did talk some but then I promised to call her back. We put fabric on all the shelves, and some non-quilt fabric went into bins. Her husband brought us a unit we hadn’t seen before. But it was missing shelves. At 6:30 we called it a day. Before I left, she gave me $100, and some blackout fabric. When I got home, I finished the video, and made supper. Then I meditated but got bored with the meditation before it was over. I started gathering laundry. Chris skyped me, having just come home from church. I started the washer and then talked to him. After the call, I started the weekend puzzle. I put the laundry in the dryer, and fixed a nutritious drink. I started the dishwasher, and watched an episode of X-Files. Then I wrote up my notes for the day. I posted to my blog, intending to gather up the laundry and go to bed.
* This is Marjorie's quilt top. *

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