Sunday, June 7, 2015

Backings with a side order of binding

We heard the alarm go off at 8. We stayed in bed not sleeping. Then we got ready for church. We walked into church just as the announcements were being made. During the service the person giving the sermon talked about doing good things for one's mother, which reminded me that my mom died one year ago yesterday. I spent the rest of the service trying not to cry, and failing at times. I met Art after the service and said I could come count at 4:30. Then several people came up and hugged me and wanted to know what was wrong. So I explained that this was Chris' last Sunday and also the anniversary of my mom's passing. There was a luncheon after church for two couples that were having 50th anniversaries. I spoke to the one couple, and then to Jeanne, whose husband was too sick to attend. She showed me pics of the paraments we made that were hung for only one Sunday. Then we talked about making a banner. Then I came out to look for Chris. We spoke to a few more people and then came home. I made up a week's worth of supplements and made breakfast. I ate in while jotting notes for my blog. I put out Terro again today after doing it twice yesterday. I read e-mail. I learned that radiation eliminates your body's ability to make hydrochloric acid for life (from an interview with Suzanne Somers). “People are so busy counting calories. I think we should be busy counting chemicals,” Great quote.
I changed my clothes, and watered the plants. I went to Renegades. I had to sit at a small table in the back or set one up. Rather than start another quilt (I haven't finished the one from January), I decided to piece backings for those who were making this month's block. I made 4, with a side order of binding for the first one. It was funny because one of the other ladies spilled her pudding donut onto some fabric I was going to make a backing from and we teased her later about backings that come with a side order of pudding. She said it was comfort food for the kids who would get these quilts after being taken from their homes. I packed up about 4. I went home and drank several glasses of water, and then ran to church to help Art count the offering. I was hoping to get it right on the first try like last time. But we had a screw up with the cash since we had to divide it between two different accounts at separate banks and we did not have the right change to do it. Also, the eft payments confuse me since there is no check or cash to represent them. It did not help that Ed came in and chatted with us while I was trying to add up the deposit ticket. After we ironed things out as best we could, I picked up my first quilt from the music room. I checked for the boxes of fabric that had been stored in a closet behind the sanctuary. When I got home, Chris told me Craig lent us a battery charger and tin snips. I walked over to thank him for that and for watering my plants while we were gone. Chris helped me put the bush trimmings on the tarp. Then he dragged it to the road for pick up tomorrow. I picked up sticks in the yard. The small ones went on the stick pile where our neighbor chips them. The largest ones went with the trimmings for pick up. I came in to eat the remaining beef. Then I picked a salad outside and added some items from the fridge. After eating, we went down to watched episodes of X-files. We opened a box that once belonged to Michele and took photos of the contents. That way we can ask her if she still wants those items. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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