Monday, June 15, 2015

News from Korea

I woke up in a sweat sometime after 6. This was not unusual. I guess the house heats up with the rising of the sun. I tried to go back to sleep and got up soon after 8. I read e-mail, then swished and exercised. I soaked my latest batch of sprouts. I juiced, and meditated. Then I made and ate breakfast. I printed pictures for Dinah to post on the quilting bulletin board. Then I got dressed. On my way to the car, I watered the plants. Then I took Chris' car to quilting. Bertha asked about Chris. I said I hadn't heard from him since he left the airport in Japan. The other quilters assured me that no news was good news; that if anything had happened to him, I would have been notified within 24 hours.
I sewed my blue squares together into 4's and then to 8's and then in rows and finally one piece (with a few leftover which were ALMOST enough for another row. Most of the ladies left at 1. Some came later. There was always a good conversation to listen to. When I got home, I put a scrap of the blue and white fabric in my purse, so I would remember to look for something analogous. I have to believe that with all the fabric I have collected, there must be SOMEthing suitable for making two small blocks to finish this quilt. I got the mail and rolled the trash can back to the house. I checked e-mail and saw a message from our agent. The buyers want more money to address issues their roofer discovered. I ate fish. I composed an e-mail to Parker. I jotted a few notes for my blog. I cleaned in the kitchen, particularly the juicer (which I had run off without cleaning). I meditated, and then called Dad. I played the music for him and asked if he could think of a counterpoint to the melody. I guess that was asking a lot over the phone. He gave me pointers. Then he talked about choir and the piece they are singing for Father's Day. I let the sprouts soak while I printed staff paper. I wrote in all the notes of all the chords, planning to connect the dots later. I read another e-mail from Parker, responded, and read one from Chris saying he had arrived and they were sending him to Seoul next week and then to DC in August. I watched the last two episodes of X-Files, season 6. My three least favorite words are “To be continued...” I checked e-mail again and saw one from Chris. I replied to it and then found another one. Now it is past my bedtime and I am woefully behind on e-mail, and looking at a busy day tomorrow.
* This is Sheryl's quilt *

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