Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tons of information

I got up around 8, maybe 2 minutes before the alarm rang. I had been having a dream where instead of storing our furniture, we moved it to the Pinehurst house. And it looked really good there. And then a tree fell on it. Thank goodness it was only a dream. I brushed my teeth, turned on the computer and drank some lemon water. I answered some e-mails from Parker, and looked at some photos of a fabric market in Daegu from a link sent to me from someone Chris met over there in Chinhae. I got dressed and watered the plants, adding some whey to the water. I put bones with some meat in the crock pot with an onion and a few potatoes. I exercised, and took out recyclables. I juiced most of the cucumbers that Jennifer gave me. I relaxed while listening to Chunyi Lin talk about Chi gung. I made breakfast and listened to a tapping audio. I pulled a splinter out of my finger using my magnifier light that I bought for sewing. I finished my breakfast and went out to bring in the recycling container and the mail. My Joanns order was in the mailbox. I went down to get the battery for the cordless drill William gave me. I put the drill in my car, and took Chris’ car to quilting. I finished the borders on the blue and white quilt. Susan took a picture of it and posted it to the group Facebook sit. Then I sat and talked with the other ladies. I asked if someone could drive Chris’ car to the gas station. Marjorie said I had to do it myself, but Pat said she would help me next week. I turned in the pink and orange block. I drove home only stalling once. I changed cars and had a bite of goat cheese, grabbed an egg, and went to Sheryl’s house. We assembled a book shelf. We had a little trouble and needed to fix some holes. Then we packed up fabric in a tub to make room for another shelf. At that point I had to run to meet Jennifer. I went to Rosie’s. In the back room Jennifer was waiting for me. A group assembled to hear a lady speak about hormones and supplements. She was a rep for the Life-Flo company. She did not look 72. I took lots of notes. For instance, she recommended silica for thinning hair. I don’t have thinning hair but I know someone who does. All the petroleum products around us act as xenoestrogens. Progesterone opposes estrogen so she had several products with that in their formulation. She recommended estriol for incontinence. Then we all went to the store nearby. We were told the items would be 15% off tonight. Everyone had heard 50% except me. But 15% was correct. I waited for the drawings. After three, I decided to take my leave of Jen and go home for supper when they called my number – I won some hand cream. So I left then, and came home to dish up some soup from the crock pot. I also picked some fresh kale to add to it. Jennifer e-mailed me that she won some eye cream. I watched an episode of X-Files. Then I looked up the theme song on Youtube for extra whistling practice. There are several versions of it and I couldn’t tell which one was the original. I put the meat and veggies from the crock pot into a jar. I left the bones in to simmer. I emptied all the supplement capsules into a glass of water- even the liquid ones. That was a mistake since the krill oil colored everything red. I listened to a half hour guided meditation. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Our 72 year old speaker with long black hair, answers questions at Ruth's Nutrition *

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