Sunday, July 5, 2015

A long day

I woke up at 7:30. I put on a nightgown (could not find one last night) and went back to bed. I got up later to check the collection tubs. I saw a mostly eaten tomato lying on the patio. The war had just escalated! I brought in the water but did not have time to process it. I swished and checked e-mail. I made breakfast. I washed up and got dressed. I grabbed my grocery list and went to church. I was there in plenty of time, but met Jeanne coming out and she talked to me until church was almost ready. When I took my seat, the intern and a supply pastor walked down the aisle to give the announcements and begin the service. After the service, I helped Art count the loose cash. He said he could not count today so we agreed on 5pm tomorrow. Then I talked to the organist. She identified some places I could play in the new setting. I promised to try them at home this week. Then I talked to Tamara about the box of fabric at the church. She said I could have it for Denise to make quilts for foster kids. Then her daughter asked me to buy sheets for a fundraiser for cheerleading. They were $40 for any size. She gave me the swatches so I could see if they can be sewn through. I might want some as quilt backings if they work. I got the papers from my mailbox at church, and headed to the grocery store. I got the usual groceries and watermelon. It was on my list but I am not sure why. Maybe because the lady who gave that talk said she ‘fasts’ one day a week on watermelon? When I got home, I changed my clothes and put the groceries away. I e-mailed Denise to ask if her husband could build chimes that would ring if a deer got into the garden. I finished an interview from this morning – the guy was a scientist and farmer. He used glyphosate regularly and when he ran out of coyote urine to keep the animals out of the fields, he started spraying with his own urine. He was amazed to see that his urine killed the plants! So he investigated and is now trying to get glyphosate off the market. It kills microbes in the gut and that has all kinds of deleterious effects on mice and humans. I took Chris’ car to quilting. I turned in the blue and white top. Someone picked out a lovely backing fabric. I had to cut and piece one to fit. Then I worked on the pattern of the month which was a Sudoku quilt. I got the first three squares done and cut some two inch strips for sashing since the black was gone. When I got home, I noticed that there were fruit flies on my bananas even though they were in the microwave. So I put them in the oven. Whatever it was came back and finished the tomato while I was sewing. I read e-mail, and made a chocolate, banana, avocado smoothie which was more like a chocolate pudding. I tried adding some coconut oil and putting in the fridge to see if it would be stiff enough to use as a frosting. I read about using whey for hair, so I combed it into my hair and it did a remarkable job of controlling frizz, just like hairspray. I went downstairs to organize in the garage. I removed items from a ‘save’ box to a better box. I moved boxes around. I shoved the fish tank towards the back. I filled boxes with donation books and wheeled them to the garage. I boxed the ‘save’ books and put the boxes back on the industrial shelving that they came from. I found parts of two wooden quilting frames but not the whole of either. I did find my PVC set and put all its pieces back in the bag I made for it, ready to go to Korea. I found more Pokemon cards to take to the lady at church. I wonder if she wants manga too. I did not stop until 9:30. I made myself come upstairs to watch an episode of X-Files. Chris skyped me in the middle of it. He met a wife who quilts, and just moved in. So I will have someone to sew with when I get there. He suspects she might have quite the stash as well. I finished the episode. I checked on the patio – no critters I could see. I ran the rain water through the coffee maker. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* this is Lynette's version of the pattern *

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