Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Oh geez, more goat cheese

I got up with the alarm at 8. I turned on the router and laptop. I went outside to water the plants and bring in the collection tubs. I filtered the water and ran it through the coffee maker. I did my exercises and drybrushing. I heated coffee on the stove. William called to talk about the mower, and taking the grill to Kevin. Then I did my Wednesday detox. Later he called back to talk about the mower and staining the picnic table. I guess he figures because I don’t have a job, I have unlimited time to talk. While he talked, I ordered myself a new pair of earrings on Amazon. I added toilet paper to the order to get free shipping. Finally I put on my suit and laid on a towel in the backyard and let him talk. I took a shower and got dressed. The doorbell rang and it was the order being delivered. I researched stovetop water distillation. There were many Youtube videos on the subject. I also saw a guy out in the wild put a plastic bag around a tree and at the end of the day, collected drinkable water from it. I put a gallon of goat milk in a large pot and heated it to 190, then added lemon to curdle it. I made two batches of chocolate-banana-avocado pudding and, sadly, ate both.
I mowed the parts of the lawn that I could with the riding mower. The grass was so tall I felt like a farmer mowing hay. I ran over a dead squirrel and it was putrid. When I came in, I scooped all the whey out and separated the curds. I got almost a jar of cheese and several jars of whey. I inoculated them with fermented coconut milk and let them ferment. I listened to more of a very long audio and worked today’s puzzle. Then I stacked and ran the dishwasher. I watched an episode of X-Files while resting my foot with an ice pack. When it was over, I finished the audio and then posted to my blog. I watched another solar distillation video until Chris skyped me, and then I went to bed.
* This is the Sudoku quilt top I made *

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