Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Didn't crack a smile

I was having a dream when the alarm went off so I stayed in bed, but it slipped away. I did some tapping. I got up to turn on the router and the laptop. I drank some lemon water and checked e-mail. Kurt had written to me “Are you Sudoku for solar puffs?” It took me a while to get it. But really funny and worth sharing on my blog. I tried to read HR 3401 after getting an e-mail asking me to sign a petition to get congress to pass it. It wasn’t hard reading, but long and kind of tedious and I skimmed some of it. I followed the detox protocol as I had it written, and made notations for future tweaks. I wanted it to be so precise that I would not have to think while following it – then I can concentrate on the audios I listen to. After the protocol, I made a paste with the facial mask stuff from yesterday and added DE and bentonite. I spread that on my face and let it dry, then washed it off at the sink. It needed more papaya seed for scrubbing action. I had put a plate of seeds out yesterday to dry, but there was a sudden rainfall today and they got soggy. So I put them in the oven to dehydrate. I also put out the collection tubs, but the rain stopped soon after. When it rains, it pours, but not for long. After washing off the facial, I put on a little coconut oil for moisturizing I worked today’s Sudoku puzzle. I read a scary article on the spread of bed bugs and lyme disease. I took a shower, then stacked and ran the dishwasher. I made some turmeric root tea. I put the vacuum cleaner in the car. I drove to the bank to deposit a check for escrow overage. Why that wasn’t included in the payoff calculation, I don’t know – unless the mortgage company wanted to keep our money a little longer. Then I went to the sew-n-vac for a hose. After quite some time looking for one that fit, they said they would have to order one and the plastic thingy in the back was cracked. As it was, the vacuum was of no use even upright because of the open end. I decided the army owed me another vacuum because it wasn’t in that shape when I sent it with Chris. I bought a round bobbin saver and a Row-by-row license plate (which they will mail to me when it comes in). And I went home. My foot hurt more to drive than to walk. When I got home, I left the vac in the car. I drank the rest of the turmeric tea. The dishwasher was finished and I took my comb out, all nice and clean. I was cleaning up the paper from the Amazon box and felt a stabbing pain in my lower back. So I sat in my most comfortable chair and meditated with Oprah and Deepak. I had icy rice on my foot, too. After it was over, I used the pulp from the tea to make a poultice for my foot. I put a paper towel over it and used the Ace bandage to keep it in place. I wanted to wash the sheets after reading the bed bug article, but I was afraid I could not get the sheets on the bed again because of my back. I read article on how to energize a home. One suggestion was to sing and/or play loud upbeat music. So I went to Youtube for a couple of songs, then got sidetracked, and wasted all afternoon. One video proclaimed that watermelon was good for the kidneys. Since I hadn’t eaten all day and I had a watermelon, I tried to eat the whole thing. That would have been convenient since I did not have room in the fridge for it. But I couldn’t quite make it. I checked for the spider several times. I did not catch him in the act of spinning the web. He just appeared, web and all, at some point after dark. I started watching an episode of X-files. Chris skyped me and I asked him if the spider was keeping me in or keeping other people out. I asked him to sing me a song and he did. Then I finished the episode. It ended with Mulder found dead in a field. I wrote my blog post, cleaned up a few things in the kitchen, and went to bed.

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