Thursday, July 2, 2015

June showers bring July veggies

I got up at 8. I brought in the collected rainwater. A bird had pooped in one of them. I saved that water for indoor plants. I washed out the bird poop, and boiled water to clean the containers. I added more goat milk to the fermented portion. I got dressed, swished, and checked e-mail. I took out the recyclables. I turned off the AC and opened the windows. I exercised, cleared e-mail, and put checks in the mail. I put new checks in my purse. I processed the rainwater which overflowed the coffee pot. No sense crying over spilt rain water. Parker sent an e-mail saying she is not sure closing is happening today. The test came back fine, but the buyer’s attorney has not returned her calls to verify that they are closing today. An insurance lady came by to take pictures of the outside of the house for Mr. Bannister while I was juicing. I got an invitation from Denise for Saturday, but wasn’t sure if I should accept because Sheryl asked me if I ate steak and told her husband that she bought it for the weekend, so she might think I am coming to her house. I had to wipe goop out of the sink. The drain is not the low point so water sits and collects food debris and it gets yucky. I finished juicing and meditated, then made breakfast. I read e-mail while eating, then did the Thursday Sudoku puzzle. I shredded some papers from the garage. Then I brought in the mail, and sent bill info to Chris. It was time to drive to Stitch-its. I sat next to Marjorie, but talked to Julie who showed me a website that identifies trigger points to use depending on where the pain is. Marjorie showed me the quilt she was making. We figured out how many blocks she needed. Mechelle drove me in Chris’ car to the gas station. At first she did not believe that I could let all the way off the clutch before engaging the gas. Then she tried it. She said the car was very hard to stall. Gee, and I manage it all the time. It took us a while to figure out how to open the gas tank. And the gas machine did not work the way it usually does. But we accomplished what we set out to do. Marjorie was insistent that I should have done it myself. But Christie said it was ok to ask for help. Most everyone was gone by then, but I stayed long enough to finish one more row of the red scarf. Then I packed up and went home. I stalled three times getting onto the main road before I realized that I was still in 2nd. When I got home, I heated the goat milk, then added lemon juice, and then vinegar, waiting for the curdle. Maybe watched milk doesn’t curdle? I read e-mail for a while to give it some privacy. I blended a bag of frozen thawed cherries. I spread it on parchment paper on a baking sheet. The fruit flies got very excited, but were in for disappointment when I put it in the oven. I made some science experiments with the uncurdled milk. I mowed the entire lawn with the riding mower. However, it does need some touchups. I watered my vegetables with compost tea. I picked four tomatoes and my first cucumber, which I subsequently ate with fermented nut cheese. Parker wrote that the package from the lender came too late to close today, so they are closing on Monday. I scooped more curds out of the whey. I sewed one edge and all the concave intersections of the hexecontahedron together. Chris skyped me, and then I watched an episode of X-Files. I gave permission for a new version of Firefox to be installed. So then I worked on the other computer, but wasn’t sure when I got back if Firefox actually updated. I turned off the oven and let the roll-up rest. I think the oven seals well enough to keep the fruit flies out. And now it’s time for bed.

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