Thursday, July 23, 2015

Almost finished

I woke up early from a dream, then fell back asleep and dreamed again, woke up , and fell asleep. When I finally got up, it was only 7:30. I turned on the router and the laptop. I went outside to water the plants, and take out the recyclables. Then I came in to unstack the dishwasher. I was still swishing when Kurt skyped me from Pa. Dad was nearby, lying on the bed with back pain. Faye was there in the hotel room, too. We had a long chat. So much for getting an early start on the day. Kurt told me about an episode of Star Trek Phase II and I let it play while I sucked down two vitamin packets, then did my exercises. The acting and the writing were suboptimal, but the sound and visual effects were great. Just like the original. I noticed it was raining outside. I was not amused, but glad I had mowed the lawn yesterday. I watched another Star Trek episode to see if they get better. I did a Sudoku puzzle as it played. Then I closed the tab before I could get hooked on another one. I juiced cucumbers, carrots and a pepper. After drinking it, I meditated, then made and ate breakfast. I searched for a sewing project and came up with a bag of scraps to cut up, and a pair of shorts that needed mending. I drove to quilting in my car. I sat between Pat and Christie, mending my shorts and then cutting up my scraps into pieces for a scrap rug. I promised to bring paper dolls next week. I left after two. I checked the latest e-mail, then went downstairs to work on three shades quilt. The great idea I had in the middle of one night did not pan out. I considered a few others, and fussy-cut some squares. I couldn’t find the purple strips that Sheryl gave me but I did find the quilting gloves that I had replaced when I could not find them. I rifled through notions, pulling out those that can get heaved or donated. I threw out used rotary blades, and brought some upstairs to examine with magnifier light to see if they were old or new. I watched an EFT video and worked on the hexecontahedron – the end is in sight! I looked up what to do with turmeric root since I bought some at the store impulsively. I peeled, sliced and made tea, which supposed to be good for pain. It made my hands yellow. I froze some, and threw out the mushy ones. I drank it and watched an episode of X-Files until Chris skyped me. We talked for a little while. I admitted to him that moving to Korea felt like a punishment and I wondered what I did to piss off God. That made him really sad and I wondered if I should not have told him. He went back to work and I went back to X-Files. When it was over, I put the DVD in the Netflix envelop. I tapped for not wanting to go to Korea and hurting Chris’ feelings. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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