Monday, July 20, 2015

Unlabeled use of frozen almonds

I got up before 8 but the alarm went off while I was still in the bathroom. I swished while watering the plants. I drank several glasses of water and swished again. I read e-mail and did some modified exercises. I swallowed a vit C and a vit B packet. I juiced carrots, celery and two cucumbers from my garden. Even though my kitchen garbage is covered and of the dry kind, there were fruit flies in it. So I threw in a scented dryer sheet to drive them out. I cleaned the juicer and meditated. I made breakfast and ate it. I got dressed and gathered up my Sudoku quilt project. I loaded it and my machine in my car and went to quilting. It was a slow walk to the front door of the church. Walking did not hurt, but I was babying the foot anyway. I thought the ladies would be having lunch, but they were still ordering. I set up across the table from Lauri. I met a new lady named Jenna who was binding a stack-n-whack. As I was setting up my machine, William called to tell me about a lawn mower at Goodwill. After he hung up, I worked on the Sudoku quilt until it was finished, which was about 6pm. Sheryl stopped by. She said my foot looked swollen and bruised. I could not see that, but Lauri agreed with her. Later the two of them went to Huntsville Sew-n-vac. They asked if I needed anything and I said a hose for my vacuum. When Lauri got back, she said they could order one. William called again to say he’d bought the lawn mower for $10 bucks. He wanted me to buy it and he would ship it in the original box. I said I did not want it if the battery was dead. At 6 I packed up and drove home. I stopped the car by the mailbox to get the mail. When I parked, I sat the gas can beside my car so I won't forget it tomorrow. Because they said my foot looked swollen, I decided to take it easy. I checked e-mail and ate some beef for supper. I called Dad and talked to Faye. She recommended x-rays and a gel ice pack. I searched the house for one I remembered having. I did not find it, but I did find half a bag of frozen almonds and some other kind of ice pack. I put my foot up and listened to an audio. The frozen almonds were on my foot and the ice pack on my right forearm. When the audio ended, I wrote to my blog and sent Chris a skype message. Soon he skyped me. We talked. I held my foot up to the camera so he could ‘kiss’ it and make it all better. I promised to hug the bunny, too. (inside joke) I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* This is Jenna's quilt *

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