Friday, July 17, 2015

healing with ice cubes

I woke up a little after 7. I used the walker to get into the bathroom. Then I used it to turn on the router and get to the den. I turned off the crock pot. I checked for messages from Chris. I watched a movie on Youtube while swishing and doing modified exercises. I drybrushed too, because it did not require standing. I got dressed and then prepared the Netflix for mailing. They went in a shoulder bag. I used the walker to get to the front steps. I sat to move from step to step, bringing the walker in its folded state. Then it seemed like a long trip to the mail box to get Netlix on its way. I made my way to the back porch, resting once. I turned on the water and made my way to the end of the hose. I could only water the plants along the fence, but that was enough. I sprayed some that I couldn’t reach. I filled two containers. I transplanted a ground cherry and a tomato plant to spaces I could reach. I also picked a tomato and put it in my sack. I opened the garage to see what the moving people had done. I thought about staying there, doing ‘something’ until the mailman came by so I wouldn’t have to leave the house twice. But it was only 10am. So I closed the garage and made my way to the front steps, going up backwards on my butt, pulling up the walker one step at a time.
The crock pot cooled down a bit. I ate some of the meat and broth. I threw out the bones and put the rest in a glass pot and covered it with plastic wrap. After more e-mail and audios, I ate some dark chocolate with dates., then made breakfast. I did two meditations to try to catch up with Oprah. I parsed out a batch of supplements. I washed the crock pot. I made a new batch of spice mix. I cleared e-mail and listened to more audios. I tapped until I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was after 4. My shoulders and wrists hurt from using the walker. How do crippled people do this? My foot felt well enough that I slowly hobbled out to the mailbox without the walker. There was a bill and a piece to the lawn mower. I iced my foot when I got in, just in case. I put my foot up. I worked on some non-Sudoku number puzzles. Denise called to say her husband got a job offer in Vickburg, which was just what they wanted. She was all excited and they were off to get ice cream. Chris skyped me so I called him back after hanging up with Denise. We talked for a bit, about renter’s insurance and how the water company in Moore county still thinks we are responsible for the usage. I listened to another audio, and worked on another puzzle. Then I watched a movie on Youtube. Then it was way past time to go to bed.

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