Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Making two men very happy

I stayed in bed after the alarm sounded. But it must not have been long. I marked my territory in the garden and turned on the computer and started swishing by 8:22. I checked e-mail. Chris sent me the name of the new quilter on post. I looked her up on Facebook and sent her a message. There was no link to send a friend request. Odd. I did my exercises. I juiced, and meditated, then cleaned up. I combed whey through my hair to tame it. When I got to my car, I realized I smelled sour milk. Lovely. I rolled the windows down as I drove, hoping to dry it and that the smell would go away. I showed off my hexecontahedron at quilting. I gave Ann her recorder back and showed her how to use it. I talked to Beverly, and asked her if she could smell my hair but she said no. Jane talked to the group about caravanning to the Chattanooga area for RowbyRow at the end of July. Then I went to the Asian store for kimbap and sprouts. I forgot to tell her I would not be coming in next week. When I got home, the mail was being delivered. The mailbox was not steady, so rain must have weakened the ground. I brought in the mail and ate my kimbap with kimchi. I am looking forward to better kimbap in Korea. I called the church but got a busy signal, so I opened the mail: AARP wants me as a member, and our health insurance wants me to have a mammogram. There was one bill and I e-mailed it to Chris. I called the church again and the secretary said I could come right over. So I went to church to enter the last few Sundays of financial contributions. I printed out the second quarter statements in two batches: one for general fund and one for capital fund but under the general fund envelop numbers. I labeled them and put them in the financial box for the two Arts to find. Then I went to the farmer’s market. I bought beef bones and a kidney, eggs, romaine, tomatoes and a large cucumber. I took them home. I called Art to tell him about the 2nd quarter stmts. He said he is still two weeks short of having the first quarter statements out. Now he wants me to do the first quarter, too! I watered the plants in pots and cinderblocks. I put a pot of water on the stove to boil, and then sunbathed forgetting all about the pot. When I came in, I put eggs in the pot and turned the heat up. Then I went outside to water the kale, and came in to turn the burner off. Reading e-mail, I saw the HUD from the lawyer, and it was two hours old. I tried to read it, and called Parker, but there was no answer. So I printed it out, and printed out the seller’s net to compare. She called back, twice. I printed out the top sheet and signed it, and e-mailed it to Parker, She and I talked some more, and she answered all my questions, and promised to call in the morning when the sale gets recorded. I made egg salad from an egg and some goat cheese. I washed root vegetables and coated them with coconut oil. I put them in a glass dish and into the oven they went – except for one sweet potato that showed signs of sprouting. I put it in a jar of water. I made breakfast and ran water through the coffee maker. Fruit flies were attacking my breakfast as I ate it. They were desperate which means I am succeeding in closing off their food sources. I looked for more kefir starter on the internet. I found one that can be delivered in 5 days, but I will be at quilt retreat then so I will have to order it Friday or Saturday. I did the Sudoku puzzle for today. I put coconut oil in my hair to condition it. I had gotten out some frozen cherries to make more roll-ups, but the root vegetables were taking too long to bake, so I put the cherries in the fridge for tomorrow. I tried to play the next X-Files DVD on my laptop but it said there was no DVD in the drive. So I watched it on the desktop. I listened to a tapping audio while sewing on the hexecontahedron. When the audio ended, I kept sewing because I did not get an edge done on Sunday night. Chris skyped me and we talked until the call dropped. Then I finished the edge, posted to my blog and went to bed.
* This is what the polyhedron looks like under magnification *

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