Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rachel's last sermon

I found a storage place behind the refrigerator that I did not remember seeing before. As I stood inside, it seemed to get bigger and I wondered how such space went unnoticed. It was virtually empty and I thought Chris must have cleaned it out before he went to Korea. Then I saw a door, so I walked through it into another room I hadn’t seen before. There were other doors and other rooms. One room had a swimming pool in it. I decided to get my bathing suit but got distracted following new paths. Then I realized I was outside, and there were other people. I was in a whole new world. Then I woke up.
Church was early today so I read some e-mail and swished, then took a shower. I put my blue earrings on and had to find a dress to match. I forgot the grocery bags, but remembered the little glass dish the Jennifer had given me. I got to church a few minutes early. I was surprised to see how few people were there. But by the time the pastor had given the announcements, the church was full. In fact, some people sat with me who normally sit towards the back. Rachel gave her last sermon here, and we bade her farewell during the service and again at a luncheon afterwards. I found a few things on the buffet that I could eat and sat with Jennifer. We had lots to talk about. Then I talked to Ed, who said if he were Chris, he would have taken the job in Korea, too. He thinks a lot of 15’s will retire in the next 2+ years and Chris will have lots of options then. A lady came to collect my plate. I wasn’t quite done, but figured it would look bad if I insisted on the last couple of bites. After lunch, I drove home. Jennifer had given me some cucumbers from her garden and I put them in the fridge. I sat with the bag of frozen rice on my foot while jotting notes for my blog. I was considering not going grocery shopping because my foot wasn’t feeling any better. But after a while, I was ready to go. I took my grocery bags and list to the car. I went to Publix. My parking spot wasn’t close to the store, so I hobbled in. Walking around the store was no problem. I got an Ace-type bandage for my foot in addition to groceries and toilet paper. As we were walking out, we were suddenly pelted with raindrops. But as I drove away, the rain seemed to stop, or I drove out from under it. When I got home and opened the hatchback, it was raining hard. I guess it followed me home. I should have waited, but I brought the groceries in through the garage. By the time I put them away, the rain had stopped, and the sun was hot. I read e-mail and ate some yucca root. At 2:15 I went to church to count money with Art. There was only one service today and counting went very quickly. When I got back, I watered my wilting plants. I mixed some minerals into the water. Then I fixed breakfast and the rain started again. I ate breakfast and did tomorrow’s puzzle, then started one from a Sudoku book. I put some water and alcohol in a bag in the freezer. Then I sat with the rice sock on my foot. It was very comfortable. I finalized my Swansons order with a tube of Arnica cream. Reading the reviews, I thought it would help my foot and be good for Dad’s shoulder. I meditated. I answered an e-mail from a new friend in Korea that Chris put me in touch with. I cleared more e-mail, and watched a tutorial by the Missouri Star Quilt Company. I plotted out some quilt blocks. Then I cleaned up in the kitchen. I was going to sew downstairs, but it was after 9. I checked the back door, and the large spider was on guard, as usual. I guess he’s nocturnal because he is always gone in the morning. I started watching an episode of X-Files. Chris skyped while I was cleaning the DVD because it froze. After he hung up to go back to work, I resumed the episode and it played properly. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* laid the blocks out on the bed Friday night *

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