Monday, July 13, 2015


I woke up early but put on my eyeshades and went back to sleep. I got up about 7:40 and went outside to water the plants. That took about half an hour. The rabbits and deer were at it again. I put Netflix in the mail. Then I went inside to prepare four breakfasts. I washed the nuts and cranberries. I packed the food box, including coconut pieces and roll-ups. Then I juiced what wouldn’t keep and meditated with Oprah and Deepak. I ate breakfast and then realized I hadn’t finished drinking the juice. I cleaned the juicer and took out the trash, then cleaned the kitchen sink. I put some of the food in my luggage and used a smaller box.
I heard a sound and when I looked out, I saw that the PVC pole was on the ground. I figured the mailman had come by. I went out with a long twist tie to fasten the pole more securely. But when I got there, the flag was still up. The mailbox stand was now encased in a wooden box somewhat submerged in the ground. It felt stable but I wondered A) how long it would last and B) how did I not hear or see this taking place? I packed up my sewing stuff and rolled it outside. Then I put my luggage and laptop beside it. I finally got everything out by the garage. I saw the mailman drive up and bring out a package. There was a Swansons order and also the latest issue of McCalls quilting. I looked at it then packed it up for Laurie with the other issues that had an ongoing pattern. Soon she arrived and we loaded my stuff in her car. She drove us to the quilt retreat out past Lake Guntersville. It was on top of a mountain. We unloaded her car and tried to bring it all in at once. My food box fell and some of the fermented coconut milk spilled, but the jar did not break. Laurie showed me around and Bertha let me pick a number from a bowl. I got the number 4 table. It was up front by the window which was nice. But it was also under the fan and I couldn’t take it, so I traded with Laurie. I spent all afternoon working on the large ‘shades of’ block. I kept having to rip because I was paper-piecing and so often the piece would not cover the space. I did the ripping outside where it was warm. Bertha showed me how to get on the internet and I deleted a lot of e-mail. After some more sewing, the bell rang for supper. We trooped upstairs where Cindy had the food buffet style. We had rice, chicken and roasted vegetables. We ate outside enjoying the view. Then it was back to sewing. I finished the block and showed it off. Then I took my X-Files DVD up to the media room. The oversized loungers were incredibly comfortable. Cindy loaded the disc and got it going. Then I relaxed, watching Mulder get his three wishes. When it was over, I came down to sew. Laurie decided to go to bed, so I got into my nightgown so I wouldn’t wake her later. I had forgotten my power supply, so I did not skype with Chris. I did text him though. I wrote to my blog quickly and shut down the computer.
* pics later *

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