Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I did not sleep well last night, probably because I was so hungry. Also, Chris was exuding a very sour smell. I did not wake him up, just took my pillow to the living room to try to sleep. I woke up early because of the daylight and went back to the bedroom. Later he got up to make breakfast and take a shower. Then I got up, swished and checked e-mail. Housing called while he was in the shower to tell him that he would be officially awarded Yard of the Month at the next community round-up. After he left, I drank water and did today’s puzzle. I cleared as much e-mail as I could while listening to an audio. It talked about how the GMO science is based on the idea that each gene has only one function. But now we know that the genes have interrelated functions so changing one gene can have all sorts of repercussions. I took a shower and got dressed. I posted to the community Facebook page about the QOV and sewing classes tomorrow. I left with my yoga mat and Anna appeared just in time to give me a ride to the gym. Today’s yoga was acro-yoga with partners. Anna was my partner and I thought I was too heavy for her since she is smaller than me. But we did ok. Joelle invited the class to come tomorrow to the 7am command PT with our spouses for more acro-yoga. Anna dropped me off at home. I spoke to Chris and changed my clothes. I grabbed the bug spray that I had made. Anna picked me up at the front sidewalk. We drove to So Young’s apartment building. She met us in the parking deck and showed us how to get to her place. There, we met Ma-nay from Chile. I spoke to her while So Young showed Anna around the apartment. After quite a bit of chat, So Young gave us plates and we filled them from the various bowls around. There were two kinds of kimchi, and four kinds of meat, as well as salad and mushrooms. We sat to eat while Anna’s son played with toys on the floor.
Then Ma-nay had to leave. She left her sewing machine behind. So Young told me it was new, but there were pieces missing so I guess Ma-nay did not bring everything. Still, there was enough to work with. I re-wound the bobbin and sewed a little, then showed So Young how it worked. I made her thread and re-thread the machine and wind the bobbin herself. That was harder than it should have been because of the touch-screen option. So Young learned it so that she could teach Ma-nay. Anna was impressed with the automatic cutter. Again, we chatted until Anna had to leave. So Young had us take extra food with us. She accompanied us to the parking deck where we thanked her again and went back to the base. Anna took me to her house and she picked me a huge bowl of lettuces and herbs. She dropped me at home on her way to the commissary. I put the bowl in the fridge after taking out enough for supper. Then I ate it while composing my blog for the day so far. I went outside to count the dead slugs. I pulled out 10 dead ones, but there were three who were still alive. So I poured out the beer and poured in some rubbing alcohol. I kind of felt sorry for them as they writhed about. Inside, I crushed two cloves of garlic and left them to age for 15 minutes. Chris came home from work and started making himself supper. I told him about the food I brought home. When the garlic was ready, I got out the hummus, but Chris said it smelled bad. So I made more hummus, and used the garlic. I ate some and put the rest away. I put the last bottle of beer in the slug plate after pouring out the rubbing alcohol. I bagged up the recyclables which had mounted considerably. I finished an audio. We watched the last two episodes of Castle on the Netflix DVD. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up to post to my blog. I downloaded pics from my camera. Since it was earlier than usual, I cleared out some e-mail before I went to bed.

Since my itchy ear still itches, I am assuming now that it is not food related. I did not experience the heightened clarity of mind that I had heard people do after days of not eating. On the other hand, my brain is as good as it normally is, and I feel good.

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