Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dried sweet potatoes, take 2

I did not sleep well during the night due to restless leg sensations. I kept stretching my calves but it did not help this time. Finally, after what seemed like many hours, I got up and drank some salt water. Then I was able to sleep, but daylight was starting up already. I got up about 8, not feeling well rested but hoping to be productive. I wet my hair and tied scarves over it to keep it down. I swished and rebooted the computer because the cursor was going crazy again. I steamed the sweet potatoes I bought yesterday. Concurrently, I made seed crackers and mayonnaise. Then I washed the utensils. I heard yard men next door. One man was mowing even though I had just mowed it yesterday. I counted dead slugs. There were only 15. Not that many today but I found strawberries that they had touched. I thought they like beer better. I moved the plate to another spot. I handwashed my new yoga pants and hung them up to dry. I turned off the crock pot. I scooped the fat from the bone broth: a long and tedious process. There must be a faster way. I sucked the juice from the bones, and put the broth in the fridge. I took my yoga mat to the gym where class was already in progress. It was a small class, and a good day, not too challenging.
I made and ate breakfast, then listened to an audio. I posted notices on the base Facebook page about Quilts of Valor and the sewing class tomorrow. I cleaned up in kitchen. I sliced all the sweet potatoed to dry, putting two of the three sheets in the oven. I took spaghetti squash plants to Adrian, but had to leave them with her husband. I went to the commissary for lemons. I stayed to talk to Nela and help her re-tag the shelves. I asked if they could carry Bragg Olive oIl and she pointed out an organic olive oil that they had, so I got a bottle of that. Then I walked home. I picked a cherry from the tree in front of Housing. I watered my plants, and saw that someone had weedwhacked my hosta. I was not happy. I took my bucket up the hill to gather dirt and worms from the ditch. I tripped on the way down and thought I twisted my ankle. But I tapped for a bit, then finished my walk down the hill. I dug up a pepper plant (none of them are doing well) and planted it in a pot of ditch dirt. I played an audio while folding laundry. I thought about Zumba, but noticed that it was half over already. Chris came home and I showed him the whacked hosta. He said to tell Housing. He made his supper and I fixed a large salad to eat in front of my laptop. I worked today's puzzle. I listened to audios from the anti-aging summit while I whip-stitched the ornamental strip to the top of my red purse. Then we watched two episodes of Bones. Chris put away his laundry and went to bed. I stayed up to post to my blog and hoped to be able to sleep through the night.

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