Monday, June 6, 2016


I was doing some mental programming when the alarm sounded. I finished and got out of bed. I looked out to see what kind of day it was. It suggested rain. I decided to do my exercises and have a coffee morning. I put on the second of two very long videos full of motivational speakers. I listened while I rebounded and drybrushed and made coffee. Finally I had to turn the fan off because it made hearing difficult. I meditated longer than usual and did tapping. For some reason, when I really relax and let go, a cauldron of sadness arises. Chris came home early for lunch. He gave me hugs, but no mail. I rushed to get ready to meet Nela. I ate some seed crackers. I met her near the ATM. I took out some won. Then we walked out the gate. We ran into Joelle who came back last night and will be leading yoga again tomorrow. I had a short list of things to get. First we went to the dollar store. I got spray glue. Nela got some things, too. As we wandered through the market, Nela spotted some sandals for sale in front of a shop that does anti-aging stuff for skin. She bought the sandals and he invited us in for what sounded like a facial with special water. So ok. But after he sprayed my face, he wanted to put some special cream on it. I declined. He kept saying it was from the Rexall company and all natural so it had to be good. I called up my phone’s translation app and typed in ‘list of ingredients’. But it was in Korean and I guess he couldn’t translate. We stopped at the fabric stand. I bought one piece and we looked at lots, but nothing else caught our eye. Then we went to Daiso. I got shoe strings for Chris and looked at watering cans. I needed a small one with a long curved spout for the little plants in pots. They had one and I should have gotten it but it was so small. We spent a lot of time looking around. On our way back to the dollar store, we passed vegetable vendors. She bought onions and potatoes and I got sweet potatoes. We went back to the dollar store to look at their watering cans. Then we went to Office Depot. They had the same can but for three times the price. Actually, it might have been larger, but I wasn’t sure. I bought a bucket to use for dirt. I put the potatoes in the bucket to carry. But it wasn’t comfortable. Nela wanted my bigger bag to carry all her stuff, but the nylon straps cut off her circulation. It did that for me, too. But we managed to walk back. We stopped at the new Paris Baguette for rice stick doughnuts. She really likes them. Then we stopped at the corner market and got four cucumbers for $1. As we neared the base, we stopped to get out our ID’s. After checking in, I offered to carry some of her stuff because she was so tired. We walked to her house and unloaded her stuff. Then I took my stuff home and unpacked. It was after 5. I put out a plate of beer for the slugs. I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home. I read e-mail and watched more from the really long video from the Superhero conference. I saw that a friend had pinned to my Pinterest page. I did not know she could do that. Since it is exclusively for items I have made, and it wasn’t a sewn item, I unpinned it. She is new to Pinterest and I think she did not understand. Then we watched a movie called The Addams Family. We had seen it a long time ago so it was entertaining. We looked up one of the actors who had been in the Jeffersons. Then Chris started the dishwasher and went to bed. I searched my Pinterest page to find a sewing project for this Wednesday. I checked my slug trap and pushed in the ones who hadn't quite taken the plunge. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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