Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Productive ladies

I slept through the night, no restless legs or hot flashes or itching ears. Chris got up early to go to PT and came home right after 7:30. I got up with the alarm and was in the bathroom when he came home. He stripped and laid on the floor, sweating. I won’t describe what happened subsequently but I did insist on a shower. So my day got started late. I cleaned up my sewing room and ironed a piece of fabric. I drank half the water and exercised. I had to reboot my laptop (again) because the cursor was acting crazy. I put the two sheets of dehydrated sweet potatoes in a jar, eating the ones that did not fit. I put the third sheet in the oven to dry. I watered the potted plants. I checked the slug plate but it was fairly empty. I made the baby burp pad sample for class. I was going to walk the trail but my ankle was feeling a little weak from stumbling yesterday. So I took a shower. I ate some seed crackers. I put one of the QOV quilts in my bag along with the sample and walked to the chapel. No one was there, so I showed the quilt to the secretary. She was impressed. Then So Young and Jackie came. They were impressed, too. Then Anna came with her machine. We set up the room for sewing. But there was a lot of conversation. So Young got one seam sewn and Jackie only did the corners for her baby blanket. Princess came and made a baby burp pad and was so excited. Danielle came at the end to drop off the fruit container that So Young brought several weeks ago, but So Young had gone. I trimmed the quilt, and Anna worked on a block for the next quilt. Because the room was empty for the rest of the day, we left everything there, set up and ready to go. I took the quilt and some fabric from last time home. I made and ate breakfast. I checked e-mail. I read answers to the question “What is the one bit of mathematics you are surprised isn’t taught more widely?” Fascinating stuff. Really. The sweet potato slices from this morning were dried, so I took them out and ended up eating them all. I decided not to make more because they just don’t last. I used a mesh laundry bag to cover the branches of my little blueberry bush to keep the birds from eating the berries. I was headed to Housing to complain about the hosta when I took another look and thought that they might have been eaten. So I tried to contact Chris to see if he might be of the same opinion. While waiting for an answer, I worked today’s puzzle. I listened to an audio while stitching on my purse. I saw some short videos on upcycling t-shirts. I made a salad for supper. Then I drove myself to the chapel, just in time for class. Suzanne and Princess were already there. Soon Nela came and Danielle and Anna. We each worked on something different. I hated to end it at 8:30, so we went until 9. Then they all helped to clean up. We put the stuff back in the closet, except for what I took home because it shouldn’t be needed anymore. Anna presented Nela and I with gifts from Thailand including coffee for our husbands. I took Nela home. Then I spent 10 minutes trying to park Chris’ car in our space. He likes it backed in and there is nothing to line up with, except the lines on the road. Chris was on his computer when I came in. I got some water to take the rest of my supplements and magnesium. We watched an episode of Bones. Then I checked e-mail one last time and posted to my blog before going to bed.
* Suzanne is showing off a pillowcase made as a Father's Day gift to her husband. *

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