Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I woke up early thinking Chris’ alarm was going to go off, but he had turned it off at 5:30. He did not exercise, or at least, he did not go out to exercise. I got out of bed when my alarm went off. I drank water and read e-mail. I called the gym to ask them to turn on the sauna. I rushed around getting ready. I wrote a post for Facebook for the sewing class tomorrow. Then I went to the sauna. I did my exercises in there. Then I put on my mp3 headphones to meditate. But the Korean cleaning women were chatting up a storm right outside. I thought it would be ironic to ask them to be a little quieter since Korean women are known to sush Americans who are talking normally. So I asked them, and they were quieter. In fact, they started cleaning. One lady cleaned the showers and mopped the floor. I was a little concerned when the floor did not dry out. After my hour of sweat, my watch band fell apart. I guess the heat affected the glue. I gathered my clothes and went to the furthest shower. The floor was so soapy I nearly slipped. I turned on the water to rinse it, but the drain backed up. I saw hair. I went to the next stall and showered there. I dressed for yoga and went in the gym. Joelle was talking to Linda. When I came in, she started the class. Then another lady came in, too. After class, I walked home to find Chris eating lunch. I ate some seed crackers, then made and ate breakfast. I made a slurry out of the food waste and water, and put it on the plants. I tried to finish the long audio from yesterday but it had become unreachable. I worked today's puzzle. I cleaned in my sewing room, trying to find a pair of scissors that I haven’t seen in a while. I cleared more e-mail. I read about the benefits of rosemary for memory. I put Myra’s machine in my machine case and rolled it to the chapel for tomorrow. Then I went to the post office for a memo they wrote, confirming that my machine was damaged in shipment. When I got home, I still could not find my scissors, so I used kitchen scissors to cut out some large squares of fabric for the demo tomorrow. Actually, the shears did not work well, so I laid a ruler on the paper template and cut along the edge. Before I finished, I realized it was 5:20. So I threw on some shoes and walked to the gym, late for Zumba. I hadn’t tried it before, but Nela kept telling me to come. Well, she wasn’t there. I tried to keep up, but the moves were too complicated and, frankly, sexualized. I did not go to ‘strut my stuff’. After it was over, I said “Richard Simmons is looking pretty good” and they gave me a blank look. Hey, I could follow his routine. Then I headed home. I ran into John and his wife and we chatted briefly. Then I went home and called Nela to see where she was. She came over with her extra machine, which needed fixing or adjusting. She also had a bucket. I took her up the hill to where I got my dirt from the ditch. We filled up her bucket and her son carried it to their car. After they left, I picked up my bowl of beer-drenched slugs. Some were still moving. I spread some salt on top of the air conditioner and dropped the live ones on it. Then I arranged the dead ones in groups of five for counting. There were over 70, from really big to very small. I laid the bowl in the vegetable bed to see how many I could catch there. Chris came home for supper. I started a loaf of bread. Then I made a salad and ate it in front of my laptop. I jotted notes for my blog and read e-mail until Chris was ready to watch TV. He hooked my laptop to the TV to stream IT Crowd from Netflix. We watched at least four episodes. Then Chris went to bed and I wrote my blog post, wondering what pic to post with it.
* I know it is not a very interesting picture, but it's all I could get at 11pm *

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