Friday, June 3, 2016

Smokin' centipedes

Chris woke up early so he went running. I stayed in bed until 7:15 doing mental programming and visualization. Then I got up. I brushed my teeth with charcoal and baking soda, then swished. I drank a quart of water. I read e-mail. While checking out someone’s post on Facebook I saw that Suzanne had e-mailed me to ask if I would go to the market to check out the sewing machine she’d seen. So I put together a kit (material, thread, screwdriver, bobbins, etc). Then I went outside to water the plants. Kelly came by to meet the guy from Housing for a last check. She asked for a box to put the forgotten dishes in the dishwasher. I gave her a tub and then went walking on the trail. I found some useful sticks for staking tomatoes. As I was coming down the steps behind, I saw that there were two plants behind Kelly’s now-former residence. So I called her. I took my vitamin C, and washed up, changed my clothes. As I was looking for a pair of shorts in the guest room, I noticed a centipede on the carpet. I slapped it with a flyswatter over and over. Finally, not sure it was dead, I picked it up with toilet paper, took it outside and lit it with a lighter. The paper burned but the centipede did not. I ate some seed crackers. Suzanne picked me up at 10:30 for the 5-day market. She went by the ATM for cash but it wasn’t working. Then we drove to the market and parked on a side street. We walked to where a man was selling garage-sale type stuff. He had a Brother machine in a case. It was heavy and old. The bobbin loaded on the side. But it was missing the needle bar and the bobbin parts were rusty. The whole thing was dripping oil, which told me that it had rusted inside and someone soaked it in oil to get it running. The man told Suzanne that he would bring another machine to the next 5-day market. We wandered around. She showed me places to buy used clothing inexpensively. I saw blueberry bushes and got a nice big one since they were only $16. I also got spinach, dried blueberries, dried sweet potato, raspberries, and cherry tomatoes. Then she drove us back to base and we picked up her daughter from daycare. She took me home, but we stopped to talk to Myra on the way. Myra came from the case lot sale at the commissary and said there was not much left. When we got to my house, I dug up some spaghetti squash seedlings for her. She went home. Chris came home for lunch. He brought me three packages. I put away my food, then called Myra. I walked down there and visited while she finished up an e-mail. Then we took the sewing stuff to the chapel. Parking was insane. We triple-parked to unload. We put it in the storage closet for next Wednesday. Then we went to the post office. I forget what Myra needed. I explained about the letters from the USPS denying my claim and asking me to submit my damaged machine. They said they remembered me talking about it months ago and to bring them all the paper work. So Myra drove me home and I got the machine and brought it back. They examined the box and paperwork. The man gave me his e-mail address and I promised to send him the pics I took the day I got the machine in the mail. He made copies of the letters I had. Then Myra brought me home. I ate dried sweet potato until I was almost asleep. Then I made and ate breakfast to wake up. I wrote a check that I wanted to get in the mail before the office closed at 4. I grabbed the box of yarn for Nela and hoofed it to the post office. Just in the nick of time, I handed in the envelope. Then I went to the commissary to deliver the box to Nela. We talked. Then I headed home, intending to call Myra with the phone I left behind. But I ran into a lady who looked familiar but her name was Adrian and I hadn’t formally met her before. Her husband drove up and I got to talk to both of them (and their dogs). Then I walked home. I called Myra to see if she was out in town. I wrote notes for my blog post. I harvested water from the shower filter. I sliced ginger root into water to make tea. I also unpacked my Swanson’s box and put the items away. I worked today’s Sudoku puzzle. I researched paper tape and ordered enough for 2 dress forms. I wanted to order it from Amazon so I could build up my order for free shipping, but it was much cheaper from So I worked on my Amazon order, adding a rechargeable bug zapper racquet and shepherd’s hooks to get free shipping. Then we watched Kate and Leopold. I swear I had seen it before, but must have forgotten a lot because I found it engaging. Then we looked up one of the actors. I skimmed my latest e-mails and went to bed.
* She is showing off the apron she made in our sewing class on Wednesday *

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