Monday, June 13, 2016

Five day market

I woke up but fell asleep again several times. I was tired from being awake in the middle of the night scratching my ear. Will it never end? I dabbed hydrogen peroxide on it first, and when that did not work, rubbing alcohol. Somehow I went back to sleep and did not get up until 8. Chris came back from PT and spread out on the bed, exhausted (and sweating on our just-washed sheets). I started the day with drinking water and swishing. I exercised and rebounded and drybrushed. I boiled water for coffee and added healthy stuff to it. Nela dropped by unexpectedly to pick up her serving utensils and to taste the coconut butter. I confirmed that she wanted me to order her one, since I did that yesterday. After she left, I finished my coffee morning. I swept the hallway. I cleaned the sink. I washed the coffee pot. I got dressed and grabbed my market bag and almost ran to the FRG meeting. I was late but they hadn’t started yet. It was sparsely attended. Kelly led the meeting. We voted on the date for the yard sale and talked about fund raisers. After the meeting, I pulled out my phone. Nela had just left a message so I called her. She wanted to me to wait at the ATM bench for her in 10 to 15 minutes. I hoofed it home to grab the seed crackers and to use the bathroom. I made it to the ATM in plenty of time to eat my seed crackers. Then she called to ask me to come to the gate. So I did and in a minute Kathy drove up with her. We caught the next bus to the five-day market. All I wanted was sesame oil. But I ended up buying bell peppers, kimchi, sprouts, yellow sweet potatoes (yea for translation apps), and oil. The list of what I resisted buying was much longer. As it turns out, fresh kimchi is more expensive than 5 day kimchi. Thanks to the bilingual lady who came by and figured that out for me. I think I will buy kimchi there next time because they keep it covered. Then we caught a bus back to base. I was loaded with food, but it was almost four so I ran to the post office to check the mail. They gave me two large but light boxes. Really loaded down, I walked to the Navy Exchange to buy a beer. But all the single ones were gone, and I could not handle a 6-pack. So I went home. I put the food away and laid down on the couch. I tried to fall asleep but that didn’t work. So I had a bite to eat, in fact, I had a chicken leg and made breakfast. I opened one of the boxes to find a pair of yoga pants and the electric bug wand. I checked e-mail and sent Chris a message to buy beer on his way home. He walked home and took the car to the Nex. I counted slugs (death toll is now 205) and mowed the lawn here and next door. Chris came home with cheap beer for the slugs and better beer for himself. I poured a new plate of beer for the slugs. I read e-mail and listened to audios. All of a sudden, Firefox started eating up cpu cycles and I had to restart it. Then we watched two episodes of Bones season 8. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* these are the carnations blooming in the flower bed. *

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