Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sewing day

Chris got up early for PT. I heard my alarm go off at 7:30. I did some mental programming until Chris came home. Then I got up. I read e-mail and drank water. Chris put out the recyclables and went to work. Then I was reminded to put out cardboard boxes from the back porch. I did today’s puzzle while listening to an audio – a rather long audio. I ate some seed crackers. I gathered my stuff together for QOV, and walked to the chapel. I was a little late but no one else had come. The secretary had put our stuff in the kids classroom because the adult classroom was in use. I set up one machine, then sat and sewed binding. Suzanne came in later with her daughter and soon Anna was there with her son. The kids kind of played together. Anna worked on QOV blocks. Susanne wanted to line the patchwork pillow top she had made. But she needed batting to do it and I had not brought any. The secretary came in and asked if she could do some stitching on the QOV, so I said yes. I figured I could take it out if it was bad, but it was very very good. Danielle came and worked on a cathedral window project. Nela dropped by during part of her lunch break. Sometime after one, we cleaned up and went home. Anna dropped me off. I made and ate breakfast. I watched videos on making patterns from clothing. Then I worked on making a pattern from my red dress. Chris came home while I was working. Then I realized how late it was. I gathered my pattern-making things and the quilt and drove to the chapel. No one was there, so I moved everything from the kids classroom to the adult classroom. I used the seam ripper to remove the Velcro from the changing mat clutch and reposition it. As I was sewing it on, ladies arrived with their kids. Anna brought Janelle and helped her to work on a skirt with gathered flounce. Suzanne came with a friend who had never sewn before. I got her started on a baby bib. Her little girl and Suzann’s little girl played together, but not quietly or in one place. I played with them a little to help keep them occupied. It wore me out. Suzanne finished her pillow top lining (except for the quilting) and I helped her make pattern pieces from a dress she’d brought. It took us way over time, but Chris had gone to the movies so I was ok. I should mention that I had forgotten the batting and he brought it to me on his way to the theater. Helen came and worked on place mats while another Korean lady worked on her cushions. It was a full house with Nela there, too. One by one, they had to leave. Then we packed up. I found the front pouch of my fanny pack was sopping wet with oil. I could not figure out where it had come from. Most of the sewing stuff went into the closet, but I brought the pattern-making items home. As I passed Myra's place, I saw lights on. I was glad she was back. I parked the car and went in my house. That is when I saw the not-quite-closed bottle of jojoba oil. It was on a bag on the floor and my pouch must have been in it. Chris was home and ready to watch, so we saw an episode of Bones. Then he went to bed while I stayed up to write my post and drink ginger water with magnesium and salt.
* The baby's mom made the bib, but someone else is holding the baby. *

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