Sunday, June 26, 2016

Another item off my to-do list

I woke up about 1:30, my leg aching. I heard Chris come to bed. It took me a while to go back to sleep, but then I slept until morning. I got up when Chris did. I checked e-mail and drank a quart of water. There is no Sunday puzzle so I briefly considered doing the Monday puzzle. Chris went to church. I read e-mail until 9:30. I put some homemade shampoo in a bottle for So Young, then took a shower. I used my new shampoo, but it did not get the coconut oil out, so I had to use some of the regular shampoo also. I got dressed and went back to my laptop. Chris came home. I put on my shoes and he dropped me off at church. I put the small bottle of shampoo in the fridge for So Young, and took my seat in the chapel. We had the usual service. A young man told me that Jane was not returning his messages so I made a note to e-mail her. I spoke to So Young about tomorrow. She told me that the needle had broken and she couldn’t get the new one to work so she wants me to come to lunch again one day. The pianist said she wants to take me to her massage place on Friday. Then Chris arrived to take me home. I changed into shorts. We walked to the commissary and ran into Adrian. She asked me to go to a plant place with her. Then we shopped for food and carried it home. I made breakfast. Chris put a second load in the washer. He folded the first load and went to work. I made a new mix of flax and chia. I ate breakfast while listening to an audio. I put together part of a Swanson’s order. I went outside to water the plants. I picked a hot pepper and blended it with water to make a pepper spray. I sprayed it on the lettuce and hosta and strawberries. I filled two water pitchers with water from the shower filter. I ate a banana for potassium. I took a top I made recently and sized it down. Then I went looking for the pattern to size it down, too. I got side-tracked when I saw all the dirt in the vacuum cleaner cup. I took the cup outside with a plastic bag. As I was cleaning it, Chris came home. We walked up the hill to see if anything was left of his spaghetti squash plants, but someone had used the weed eater on both sides of the steps, far enough to rip apart all the plants. We laid down for a space of time. Then Chris got up to cook supper – ground bison. I continued my search for the pattern and eventually found it. I took half an inch out of both sides. Then we ate. Nela called to see if I had heard from Anna about the trip tomorrow, but I hadn’t. I was going to try coconut butter with peanut butter, but the ingredients in the peanut butter were just too objectionable. So I tried it with Nutella, a little easier to justify. And they were good together. I put beer out for the slugs. The count is up to 212. I finalized my Swanson’s order by adding all the cedarwood oils to my cart and seeing if any were not deleted as ‘undeliverable’ to South Korea. Out of 4, two made the cut and I chose the brand I knew. Then I submitted it. I listened to two audios while Chris folded laundry. I also did the Monday puzzle. Then we watched two episodes of Big Bang Theory. He said we had seen them before, but those shows seemed new to me. He went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* Here Princess is showing off the matching burp cloth. *

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