Friday, June 10, 2016

The exchange

I woke up just before the alarm went off, and got up. I gave my hair a good brushing, then wet it and tied scarves around it. I used to avoid scarves because they gave me flat hair. Now I need that for precisely that reason. I checked on the sweet potato slices in the oven. I had turned it off for the night, so I turned it back on, at its lowest setting. I opened the big box that came in the mail yesterday. It contained our two quilts of valor, now quilted. There was also a nice letter from the lady who helps Ruth Ann saying their funds were limited so next time we need to send batting and backing along with the tops. I wish she had given me her e-mail address to I could thank her. I drank a quart of water while checking e-mail. I got dressed. Not having a Father’s Day card, I picked an all-purpose one from my collection and put in a note for my dad. I left the house at 8:45. I re-tied one of the tomato plants that had outgrown its last tying. Then I dropped the card in the postal box in lower housing. I was on my way to the community roundup when a man from Housing caught up with me on his way to the same event. We chatted about bad experiences with luggage in airports. Then we went into the theatre and found seats. The ops officer went through the 8-week schedule. Someone talked about the Navy Ball and I forgot the date before I could write it down. After the meeting (which was poorly attended), I stopped by the bank to deposit a check so we’d have money in our account. Chris told me it took two weeks to clear and I needed money for a massage next week. They had a special on loans so I asked (jokingly) for a massage loan. But we worked it out that they could make part of the money available right now. I took out cash to exchange in town. When I got home, I called Sue to arrange an exchange. She gets a special rate from her bank. Then I watered my plants, using my new watering can for the small pots. I watered spaghetti squash that Chris planted on the hillside. I dug up some seedlings for Adrian. I pulled out more slugs from the plate of beer. The count is now up to 140. Two were still alive and trying to climb out, but I told them this was Hotel California. They can check out, but they can never leave. I jotted notes for my blog. I wrote a letter to the person who is reviewing the case of my damaged sewing machine. I was late, so I grabbed my jar of pickled eggs and headed to Kelly’s house. But Chaun was driving by and picked me up so I got there sooner. Kelly’s husband was in the car so I asked him if he was working in their old quarters (part of our duplex) at night. That would explain the porch light being on at night, plus the hammering and dog barking. But he said no. At the party, I put the jar of eggs on the table. Most people so far had brought desserts. And their young kids. The screeching and wailing was ear-splitting. The kids were fed first, but they did not eat much. Just as I offered to call Nela and picked up my phone, Nela called me to see if someone could give her a ride. So Kelly went off to get her. More ladies came. Nela brought potato salad and flan. I ate potato salad and eggs. I hung around for awhile, listening to stories of strange happenings in upper housing. Haunted, they say. Time to leave. I said my goodbyes, and headed home with my eggs and Nela’s serving spoons –she left earlier. At home, I ate some seed crackers. I walked to Sue’s house in town, then we went to the bus stop. The first bus passed without stopping. We caught the next one. She showed me where to get off and we walked to her bank. We both exchanged dollars for won. We got a special rate because of her relationship with the bank. She talked to the security officer whom she knew. Then we explored a nearby market. The man sold dried goods, like nuts and seaweed. I called Suzanne to see if this was the man she was talking to. But it wasn’t. Suzanne invited us to her apt nearby. So we stopped in. We had a nice chat and I saw the dress Mrs. Lee made for her. Then we left, and waited for a bus. When it came, the bus driver said the route had changed so we went to another bus stop. It wasn’t long before the bus came, but due to traffic, it was a long ride home. Sue got off first and then the bus stopped near the base. On my way uphill, I stopped at the ATM to get 10,000 won just to see the exchange rate. I calculated that I saved 26,000 won by exchanging at Sue’s bank, but it took me all afternoon and two bus fares. I wondered how it compared with rates in town. Akia’s husband stopped to give me a ride up the hill to my house. I checked on my dehydrated sweet potatoes. I ate most of them but they were disappointing. I made breakfast. Before I ate it, I went next door to pick up the two impatiens that Kelly left in the back. I put them in front of my place. Her front porch light was on again. I did not see anyone inside. I ate breakfast while checking e-mail. I worked today's puzzle and I gave in to the temptation to read funny Pinterest posts. It sucked up my whole evening. I had to google one of them to see why it was funny. Now it is time for bed.
* This is Nela's finished bag from Wednesday night *

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