Thursday, June 22, 2017

A going-away haircut

Last night there was a mosquito in the living room. I suspected it was from the bottle of essential oils and water that I use as a diffuser. It used to be in the bedroom and there was a mosquito in there, too, but not since I brought the bottle out to the living room. So I poured it out into the kitchen sink and placed something over it to block access.
I slept ok last night with the door shut to keep out the mosquito. I woke up in the dark with my left hand numb. To my right hand, it felt like a plastic hand. I pumped my left fist until all the blood came back in. I went back to sleep but soon it was morning.
Chris got up when my alarm went off and got ready for work. After he left, I got up and drank a quart of water. A mosquito buzzed around my head and I caught it. When I opened my hand, it got away, but I caught it again later. I hoped it was the last one.
I read e-mail and listened to an audio. I washed up and got dressed. I put away fabric until almost 11. Then I texted Dynee to see if she was ready. I went outside and saw Alycin walking by but no Dynee. So I started walking with Alycin. Then Dynee came by to pick us up, and had a carload of people with her.
We went to Chong's apartment for lunch and my going-away party. Dynee took a large watermelon from her trunk. The seller had wrapped it in strapping, but it fell out in front of the apartment building and cracked on the pavement. She picked it up and Myra handed her a bag to put it in. When we got to Chong's apartment, Dynee got a bucket of water to rinse off the sidewalk downstairs.
Chong showed us how she had re-covered her couches and chairs. She had a nice meal laid out buffet style. We filled our plates and sat around the table. There were four kinds of kimchi and all were spicy. But mixed with the acorn jelly, it was quite good. Chong also had two kinds of kimbap; one with spam and one without. I ate the one without spam.
After we had eaten the meal and lots of fruit, So Young cut my hair out on the balcony. I felt so much better with shorter hair. Then I left with Dynee who had a nail appointment. I decided to sit in and watch. I was surprised that it went an hour.
Then we went to the massage place. She saw it, then went back to her car. I went in for the usual. The lady gave me an outfit to wear for my back and shoulder massage. But the man was not there at the moment, so she gave me a tub of hot water to soak my feet.
When he came back, he dried off my feet and I went into the little side room with a massage table. It was a good massage, and I played classical music on my phone.
After the massage, I went to the market nearby. I bought a piece of green fabric to replace the one I used up. I also got some nail polish to use as craft paint.
At another place, I bought a pair of $5 pants. Finally I scored a baggie of peeled garlic and walked back to post.
As I reached the lower end of our street, Clay offered me a ride. I sat in his car talking about FRG. He did not think the FRG was going to make it and that the command was ok with that.
I went home, and ate some chicken. Chris came home and told me that he got an e-mail: we now have official word that the army hasn't decided yet where we are going to go.
Myra called and asked me to come outside. I did and she drove by, handing me the leftover kimbap from lunch. I thanked her. We chatted and she left.
I went inside and ate the kimbap with some kimchi I had. I also ate a lot of watermelon. Then I watered the plants. Clay came by with my bag of garlic which I had left in his car. I finished watering.
I read e-mail for a bit and jotted notes for my blog. I posted the date of the next and possibly last FRG meeting to community facebook page. Chris and I watched two episodes of Miss Fisher. Then he went back to his laptop and I wrote my blog post so I could go to bed (sans mosquito).
* This is Dynee's technician rubbing polish on her fingernails. I had never seen that technique. *

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