Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ginger bath

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing at 7:30. That meant I must have slept fairly well. I tried to go back to sleep, but there was an odd high-pitched sound that kept me awake. Eventually Chris got up and took his shower and went to church.
I looked up a Ginger Detox bath. I collected the ingredients from the kitchen and took them to the bathroom. I ran hot water and mixed in the Epsom salts and baking soda. I poured in the ginger tea and a sachet with the ginger pieces in it. I forgot the essential oils. I turned on some music.
I had a small dish of bentonite clay, made into a paste. As per the instructions, I rubbed it over most of my body. As I was letting it dry, of course the phone rang. Thinking it might be Chris, I gingerly hopped out of the tub and found my phone in the coffee table. It was Myra. I swiped the phone, leaving a streak of clay. I said hello, but there was no answer. After another 'hello', I went back to my bath.
I relaxed into it. The instructions said the ginger would induce sweating, but it did not. When the music ended, it was time to get out. I let the water out and put some jojoba oil in my hair. After a few minutes, I took a shower in the master bathroom. I got dressed in a nice blouse and pants.
Chris came home from church. I sat down with my laptop and called up the chapel on their Facebook page. The Catholic service was there already and started playing. But I had to wait for the Protestant service to stream live.
While I was waiting, I discovered that there was a blueberry spot on the silk carpet. Argh! I got some soapy water and two wash cloths. I dabbed water on the spot and patted it with the dry cloth. Over and over. The spot got a lot lighter, but did not come out completely. The service had started, so I paid attention. Well, mostly. Between songs, I dabbed at the spot. There was a lot of singing, and I felt like a trombone piece would have added to it. But there was no comfortable seating in the chapel anymore.
When it was over, I made and ate breakfast. I checked e-mail. I wiped up the clay footprints from the bath to the living room. There was also clay on the coffee table. But it came off easily. Then I drove us to the commissary for weekly groceries, including two chickens. They were small.
I called Myra back, and she said she had called to see if I wanted to go walking with her and some other ladies. They were still out, stopped at a bakery, but on their way back.
I texted Dynee to see if she wanted to go for a walk. She did, so I changed my clothes and we went. We walked down to the Eco park, around twice, down by the canal, bought flowers, then down a back street, where we got vegetables, and then home. Her phone app said we walked 4.8 miles. We sat on her doorstep and drank Berkey water, having a lovely chat.
I went to my house and put the tomatoes in the fridge. I ate the largest one. Chris put spices on the chickens and covered them with pieces of carrot and onion and garlic.
I sat on the front porch and played 2048 till my eyes crossed. I had managed to get one 16384. I put the tablet down, and proceeded to water the flowers. I did a little weeding, too.
When I came in, the chicken had just come out of the oven. I ate some with chopsticks. Then I put some on a plate so I could eat, sitting on the couch. I listened to an audio from the Women over 40 summit. I started the next one, but did not get far before Chris came over to watch TV.
We watched three episodes of Miss Fisher. Then Chris played on his laptop while I tried to piece together my day.
* Part of the bridge at the Eco park. *

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