Friday, June 2, 2017

Opposing parties

I wanted to sleep in, but had a 9am tapping call. So I put my phone in the sewing room which was close enough for me to hear the alarm at 7:30. Chris had gone. I drank a quart of water, and got dressed. I read e-mail as I waited for my tapping buddy on Skype. But she did not sign in. I did my exercises, listening to an audio. I tried to turn on the AC but heat came out, so I texted Dynee. She came over to show me how to turn on the AC. I went outside to check the slug bowl. There were 80 slugs, the most I ever got in one night.
I put together an order of supplements. Then I made and ate breakfast, listening to interviews from lifestyle summit. I also added pics to some of the China blog posts. I sent a Facebook message to the FRG secretary about the board meeting tonight. She sent me a form she had filled out for the Open Base event. I looked it over and made some changes Then I printed out the form with the changes and changed the filled-in part to red so the people who needed to sign it could easily spot the relevant information. I also printed out her notes that she sent. They were different from what I remembered.
I ate some raspberries, and started cleaning up. I folded two baskets of laundry. I watered the potted plants and the strawberries. I made a new batch of seed crackers. I picked up more stuff and put it elsewhere. I was sitting down to write up subjects to discuss. But Kelsey came 15 minutes early. We talked for an hour, and no one else came. I called Dynee, but she was helping Anna cook for the party. Maria called, and said she was caught up in family duties. I decided that we needed to reschedule.).

After Kelsey left, I ate some seed cracker and put the rest away. I ate a cucumber. I washed some carrots, and then read e-mail. I put out a can of beer for the slugs. Some were already in the bowl, waiting for it.
I walked down the street toward the party the CO was giving for his son and a group of children from the Jinhae Hope Home. Along the way, I ran into Ray and Mandy and Cory. After a little chat, we all walked to the party. I saw Dynee and Terri. I got some fruit and baked beans. The meat was cooking very slowly because the grill wasn't that hot. I talked to Ryan about the spaghetti and he recommended cooking 10 pounds. I talked to Rina about the kids in the community club. Then Dynee and Terri and I snuck over to Terri's house to see her decorations outside and in. She did a lovely job and her husband had made a bamboo contraption in the back yard that was both decorative and functional. When she turned on the hose, it watered all her herb tubs.
Her dogs didn't want us to leave, but we had to go back. MWR had set up a screen and projector in the CO's yard. All the kids were sitting watching a movie called Mr. Bean. I watched some of it and remembered the lead actor from Black Adder. I wasn't sure it was appropriate for kids (and too stupid for adultsWhen the ribs were done (Nelson did a great job), I took them home to eat. But they were mostly gone by the time I reached our duplex. Dynee was outside with her dog, waiting for nature to take its course. We spoke for a few minutes, then I came inside. I finished the last rib and tossed the plate and bones. Then I sat down to jot some notes for my blog before I forgot. Chris came home from his hail and farewell. He had a commemorative plaque signed by lots of people. I read it while he changed clothes. Then we started watching Shetland.
After it was over, he went to his laptop while I checked mine to see if my other tapping buddy was ready for our call.
I published my blog post so I wouldn't have to do it after the call.

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