Monday, June 19, 2017

Sewing like new

I got up at 7:30 to start my morning early. I boiled water for coffee while Chris finished his shower and got dressed. I was swishing and exercising when Myra called just after 8. She wanted Lacee's number and she told me about an exclusive meeting I should attend, and who else should be invited. She promised to stop by with a spare bobbin and case.
I went on with my morning. I played soft music while meditating and tapping. Myra stopped by with the bobbin case, but she did not stay to talk because she got a phone call. I finished the meditation and texted with Kurt on Skype. He sent me a sound file from the stream behind his house. It was nice but not loud enough to be heard outside the livingroom.
Then I started cleaning. I began with the kitchen in case Chris came home early for lunch, which he did. But I was mostly finished by then. While he made lunch, I cleaned the bathrooms. Then I worked on the sewing machine. I used Myra's bobbin and case. I used the original case with her bobbin. I traded out threads, and tried plastic bobbins. As it turned out, the machine sewed much better with a plastic bobbin. But I'm pretty sure that's not what it came with. However, we did buy extra metal bobbins in Busan and perhaps the original got traded out for one not quite the same. The machine sews so well now that I just might want it back.
I called Myra to tell her. But she was busy. I checked e-mail until she called back. She said the meeting was on hold until it could be sorted out that everyone should be invited. She hung up, but called back in 10 minutes to say she had gone to DBIDS and there was someone in the office who renewed her card. So I got dressed and went down there. I met her coming back and we chatted. Then I went to get my card renewed, at least for 2 more months, which should be plenty of time. On the way back, I stopped at Housing to reserve the meeting room for the next and possibly last FRG meeting.
I ironed all the rest of the fabric and cut a yard of one for donation to the sewing class.
I sat on the front porch and ate a very large carrot. Chris came home from work.
I watered the flowers with Epsom salt water. I cut some twine to tie up one of the tomato plants, but forgot to do it. I came in for some chicken, and a cucumber. I played 2048 on my tablet. Then I looked at Lacee's Pinterest page. I spent way too much time. I noticed it was after 8. Chris sat with me and we watched several episodes of Lucifer. During the first episode, we ate dehydrated fruit snacks.
After watching, he went back to his computer game and I tried to remember all I did today.
* I didn't take any pics today, so here is one from Office Depot. It would look great on my piano. *

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