Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tag-team massage

I slept fairly well last night and did not want to wake up. But I could hear Chris getting ready for work. I tried to go back to sleep.
I got up a little after 8. I drank some lemon water and called Myra to see if she wanted to go for a walk. She asked where I was this morning. Apparently there was Indoc and I missed it. She said she gave them both the ombudsman speech and the FRG speech, adding that the FRG needed officers to keep it going.
I finished the 6 minutes of remaining video from last night. Then I got dressed and called Myra back. I went over there with the glass dish from the bulgogi she had given me. Then we went walking on the trail, running into so many spider webs that Myra said she was never walking the trail again. We picked up a magnolia-type leaf and she said it was perfect for decorating the table because it would not wilt easily.
When we got back, we ran into Terri. Myra showed her the garden at the quad. After she left, we went to Myra's apartment. She gave me back one of the water jugs. On my way home, I saw Maria and gave it to her for Saturday.
I emptied the ice cube trays into a plastic bag. I refilled them and put them in the freezer. I read some e-mail, and then cut strips and did a little sewing on the QOV project. Chris came home for lunch. I spoke to him a little. I finished making an order from Swansons.
After he went back to work, I took a shower and got dressed. I texted Christine about picking up the lemonade and she said to meet her at the commissary. Myra called just after to say she was coming to get me. So she did and we went to the commissary. I talked to Christine while Myra got cash from the ATM. Christine handed me two packs of cups and 6 lemonade packages. I was so ready for the open base event to be over, but then I decided that the worst that could happen was that we ran out of lemonade or ice and the world would not come to an end in either case.
Then Myra drove us to the market. We parked on the street and walked to the massage place. I explained as best I could that Myra wanted a shoulder massage now and that I would be back at 3 for my massage. They took her back and I went to the market. I bought tomatoes and plums. On the way back I thought I saw the narrow pleated pants I wanted. But those were skirts. Still, right next to it was a top that looked interesting. The lady indicated that I should try it on inside, so I did. I bought the top and she put my tomatoes and plums together in a larger bag. I did not like them on top of each other, so I waited until I had walked away from her booth to take the plums out.
I walked back to the massage place. Myra was getting her massage and it wasn't 3 yet. But the lady sat me down and brought a tub of hot water- really hot water. She kept saying quen cheniyo, which means no problem. But I could not put my feet in it. So she added some other water to cool it down just a touch. I called up some classical music on my phone and relaxed in the foot bath. The lady brought me a cup of cold tea. I did not realize how long I was sitting there. The man finished up Myra's massage. The lady took the foot tub away and dried my feet. Then the man sat down in front of me and started my massage. Myra came out from the little room, dressed. The lady had Myra sit beside me and gave her a cup of cold tea. I went back to being blissed out. I think he was a little tired from her massage so did not press as hard on my feet.
After the massage, we walked back into the market. Myra wanted cucumbers and carrots. We stopped in a pottery place and she made a mental note to get the fish-shaped platter on another trip. I looked for gallon-size bags, but did not find any. Myra got her produce and some footies. Then we went back to her car and rode back to base. She dropped me off at my house.
I put the tomatoes and plums in the fridge. I brought Dynee's garbage bags inside, I ate watermelon. Chris came home from work while I was noting my day so far. He brought me a box of gallon zip-lock bags. I filled them with the next round of ice cubes and started another batch.
I ate some leftovers. I watered the plants. I worked on the red and teal project until 8. I was glad to see the rain outside. Chris and I sat down to watch 2 episodes of The 100. Then he went back to his laptop and I finished my blog and thought about going to bed, even though it was only 9:30.
* Part of the pottery shop. *

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