Saturday, December 16, 2017

A little Christmas cheer

We slept in. It was after 9 when I got up. I arranged the quilt top on the bed so I could see all of it, but I could not stand back far enough to get a pic of the whole thing. Then I took it to my cutting table and trimmed the corners a bit.
I got dressed and brushed my teeth, then swished while checking e-mail. I read an article that suggested mixing beet powder with lip balm to create lipstick. Since I had a bag of beet powder, I tried sprinkling a little on top of my lipbalm. And it seemed to work.
After eating, I refilled my breakfast containers. I added things that were depleted to my Amazon cart. I investigated mimosa pudica and decided Amazon was the best place to get it. Then I submitted the order.
I mixed up a batch of seed crackers and put it in the oven. I called Beverly because she wanted some advice on fixing someone's sewing machine. Then I pulled the seed crackers out and ate some with hummus. Since the oven was hot, I put the jar of lip balm in it to melt (turning the temp down). I washed and dried 25 little pots and set them up on a tea towel. I read e-mail for a few minutes, then checked the jar. Several times I pulled some melted lip balm out and did a few pots but needed to melt it more. The balm cooled off pretty fast so I had to keep sticking it back in the oven. Chris started the laundry while I dispensed balm.
I drove to the library to drop off a book and a DVD set. When I got back, I checked the mail and found a handmade card from Rebecca. I put my coat in the wash. I moved some boxes around to make space for the Christmas tree. Chris helped me get it from the garage. Setting it up was easy because it came in three pieces, plus the stand. Ornaments? A search in the shed brought forth a strand of lights, but half of them did not light up. A quick look in the garage got me two boxes of glass balls. I cut some short pieces of yarn and tied them to the tree. Then I got a piece of Christmas fabric for the tree skirt. I sang Christmas songs as I worked. When I was done, I played some songs on the flute and then others on the trombone. My trombone lip did not last long:(
I put a bowl of veggie soup in the toaster oven. While it heated, I pressed all the rows I had sewn on Thursday. Then I sewed two of them together.
The soup was ready, so I took it out and sat down at my laptop. I had caught up on e-mail, so I checked my Facebook feed – something I so rarely have time to do. There was a video about a homeless man who was given $100 and he bought food for other homeless people. There was a video of a piano that lit up lights on a house as it was played. And so on... Finally Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched two episodes of something called Ballykissangel. It wasn't what we expected.
And then it was after 10. So I took my evening supplements and wrote up my blog post. Chris put clean sheets on the bed and we retired for the night.

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