Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Vitamin C to the rescue

I did not sleep much last night. Between trouble breathing and a headache, I could not quite fall asleep. I got up several times to take vitamin C, or activated charcoal. My joints and skin hurt, but I was not coughing or sneezing. So is it an infection or a toxin?
I tried computing the 12th root of 2 to help take my mind off of my headache. It was a very long night.
I finally got up at 8:30 because there was no point in staying in bed. I felt the same either way. The recyclables were still sitting by the door where I left them last night. I put on my heavy coat and took them out to the curb.
Since it was my usual day for detox and meditation, I went ahead with that. I was hoping that would get rid of the headache, but no. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen.
I laid down for awhile. I had the shivers and needed more blankets, but I could not get warm. Finally I got up and read e-mail. Then I got a small dish to put the tiny beads in so I could pick them up one at a time and sew them to the bag.
When Chris came home from work, he cut up peppers and cabbage to roast in the oven. Then I asked him to cuddle with me in bed to keep me warm. Eventually I was able to go to sleep. He left and went back to his laptop.
When I got up, the cabbage and peppers were ready and I had a small plateful. As I read e-mail, I ingested several forms of vitamin C and ate a banana. I read through my list of notes of flu and cold remedies. I made some ginger tea and put some raw honey and tumeric pieces in it. I mixed some colostrum with coconut oil and ate that.
I started listening to an interview and paused it when Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched three episodes of Travelers season two. Chris looked up one of the characters and he was from Galaxy Quest. Then Chris went to bed while I took my evening supplements and typed up my blog for the day. I took one Advil to give myself some hope of sleeping tonight.
* I did not take any pics today so here is one from the quilt show in October. *

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