Sunday, December 3, 2017

Getting caught up at home

I don't know when we woke up. But we enjoyed each other's company for a while and got up at 9:45. I washed up and got dressed. I drank two cups of water and took some coconut oil. Then I drove to church.
I got there just in time to warm up with the choir. Jennifer had to give me an updated sheet of music. I wrote a check before the service started. Chris was not there, but he came after the first hymn. We worshiped together, then I went to the restroom. I think Chris was ready to leave, but people engaged him in conversation. I went looking for Cecelia. I spoke to Doris for awhile. Then I found Cecelia whose husband died about a week ago. We had a conversation about the aftermath of a spouse dying.
Chris and I drove to the grocery store separately. We met at the cart line and went through the store, picking things for me to eat. We had just checked out when I remembered that I needed two things for tomorrow. So he left and I went back to get a grocery tote and a package with two pieces of chocolate in it. The check-out lady thought it was the cutest bag and wanted one for herself.
On the way home, I stopped at the bank for cash. Chris had unloaded the groceries and put them away by the time I got there. He was preparing a hunk of lamb for the oven. He also cut up cabbage to roast in the oven. I helped peel garlic then made and ate breakfast.
I read e-mail while I ate. Chris packed for his trip. Then I drove Chris to the airport and came home.
I read e-mail again and listened to an audio: water from plants is more hydrating than drinking tap water. Adding a pinch of unprocessed salt to drinking water helps it become more hydrating.
I picked some dandelion from the back yard. At 5:30 I pulled the lamb out of the oven. I cut into it in several places and it seemed to be done. I put some on a plate to eat during another audio: ascorbate can remove toxic metals from the body.
I put the food away, and washed some dishes, putting others in the dishwasher. I wiped off all the cans from the grocery store. I cleaned burnt sweet potato out of the oven. I looked up hummus recipes. I found one and it seemed better to make it in the morning.
Then I made seed crackers. Chris called to say he had arrived in Miami. While listening to an audio on breathing, I started putting together two weeks of daily supplements but did not have enough of certain ones. I had to leave them set out until I can go to the post office and pick up the replacements.
I drank some bone broth and took my last dose of evening supplements. I typed up my blog while listening to another audio on breathing: breath volume is a reliable predictor of how much longer you will live. As the audio came to an end, I posted to my blog, ready to go to bed.

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