Monday, December 4, 2017

Still not a fan of dirty santa

I woke up early and tried to do some mental programming for the day, but it wasn't going well. I got up around 7:30. I swished and turned on the router so I could check e-mail. I listened to audios while making hummus. That went ok. Then I made and ate breakfast. In order to make breakfast, I had to replenish some of the mixtures so that involved figuring out what was in there and how much to put in of each.
I unpacked the bag of birthday cards and found the earrings my mother-in-law gave me. I also went back through the suitcase and found some essential oils. In my travel bag were finger lights. I can't imagine why I put them there. So I put them with the others. I packed lip balms in a bag for distribution at the party. I went through my purse, but did not find anything that didn't belong. Then I got dressed for the day. I found a glass tray for my hummus and jicama sticks. Did I mention cutting up the jicama last night?
I put the hummus in a jar and the jicama in a plastic container. I put them on top of the tray and put them in a bag. Pat called about a book I had ordered for her. I looked it up and saw that it was probably at the post office waiting for me.
I headed to the Monday group and arrived before noon. I put the 12 Days of Christmas bag on the dirty santa table. I put the jicama and hummus on the food table. I also had a small project bag in case we were sewing later.
Soon Dinah was calling for lunch. She said a prayer and we lined up. I found a few things I could eat with little misgiving. I sat near the end of the table and talked to Dinah, Bertha, Rebecca and Victoria. When everyone finished eating, Dinah announced the dirty santa game.
She had each of us pick a number out of a hat. I picked 8 (out of 12). One by one the ladies went up to get a bag. They pulled out what was in the bag to show everyone. Ostensibly, it was the same stuff I put in my bag, but much nicer, more coordinated. And most bags were hand made. I felt badly about the one I had put together. So when my number was called, I chose my own bag. I tried to pretend that it wasn't, but I failed. The game continued and the other bags were taken. Dinah said next year I wasn't allowed to choose my own bag. Well, weeks ago, someone suggested that I do an orange theme because she likes orange. So I did, but then she picked a container of cookies instead. I didn't think anyone else would go for all that orange.
When it was over, I handed out lip balms to everyone there. People were packing up their leftover food and heading out.
As I was preparing to leave, Dad called. He was looking for a container that formerly held rice. He had trouble hearing me. He asked me to explain why he couldn't hear me. I asked if he was wearing his hearing aids and he said no, but it wasn't usually a problem on the phone. I said I would talk to him later.
By then I was alone. I took my bags out to the car and headed back to the arsenal.
I stopped at the post office on the way home. I was surprised to see six packages waiting for me. I carried them out to my car. Then I drove to the housing office to pay the rent. She mentioned the drop box for after hours. I eyeballed it on the way out.
When I got home, I did some tapping for disappointment in how the dirty santa game turned out. I wanted everyone to be happy, but clearly that did not happen.
I opened the boxes and pulled out the vitamins. I finished assembling the supplements for two weeks. But there was no new bottle of Vitamin E. I checked my last couple of orders and it was not there. I put one in my cart in Swansons. One box had included a $10 coupon but it was not good until Dec 6th.
I took a quick walk around the circle, then got in Chris' car for a refresher course. Chris called while I was driving his car around the neighborhood. He said his boss here wants him back at work on Thursday so he is coming back Wednesday night.
After the drive, I called Dad back while picking dandelion in the back yard. He seemed to hear me much better, so we finished our conversation.
For supper, I ate a chicken leg, and a piece of lamb. Later I made a salad, and ate a papaya.
I washed dishes and soaked my fingers in the warm water. (I read that it was good for hangnails). I added some salt to the water for good measure.
I listened to an audio while assembling the recyclables. I put them out for collection tomorrow. I jotted notes for my blog. I drank some salt water.
Although it was 9pm, I watched an episode of Miss Marple. I wished Chris were here to explain the parts I didn't get. It was over about 11 and I went to bed.

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