Sunday, December 17, 2017

A little light driving

We cuddled in bed until 9:20, then I headed for the shower. I got dressed in a blue top and pleated pants. It was the best I could do with the injunction to wear blue. I put some lip balms in my purse. There wasn't time to eat. I just drove to church.
I got there before the choir lined up. There was an issue with static cling and I suggested a wire coat hanger. After our choir warm-up, I tried one and was mildly successful at first, but the static came back. As I sat in the pew waiting for the service, I gave my legs a spray of the hot flash mixture, in case it might eliminate some static, and I think it did.
There were two tall Christmas trees at the front of the sanctuary. One was decorated with Chrismons from the earlier service. When the pastor had finished explaining the history and meaning of the ornaments, we were invited to pick some up from a tub and decorate the second tree. It was kind of nice.
When it was time for communion, I took my place at the communion rail. The pastor gave me a wafer as he went by. But the man with the cup of wine did not stop. He passed me and went to the lady after me. I tapped his arm and he brought the cup back so I could participate in intiction.
After the service, I spoke to the organist about playing songs for the pre-service music for Christmas Eve. We made some decisions and agreed to practice next Sunday after church. I hoped I would remember that the service starts at 9:30, not 10:45.
Jennifer was having special treats in the Fellowship hall for her son who had just graduated with a degree in electrical engineering. I went to be social. She had a bowl of dried apple slices that she recommended to me. Someone had tracked a bunch of leaf debris into the hallway so I got a broom to clean it up. Seeing me with a broom, Jennifer thought I was going to sweep up crumbs from the table. So I did. And then I went to the hallway to clear out the debris.
When I got finished and put away the broom, I tried to call Chris to have him meet me at the grocery store. But Jennifer wanted help putting the tables away. And Chris did not answer. So I helped with the tables and chairs. I called again, no answer. This time I went out to the car. I called a third time and left a message that I was coming home.
I drove back to base taking the parkway. The rain had stopped. When I got home, I realized I had left my umbrella at the church. When I opened the door, he asked why I didn't call him. Turns out his phone was on mute.
We took his car to go grocery shopping. But we went to the church first to pick up the umbrella. Then we shopped for food. On the way back, he put gas in his car – as much as he could possibly get in the tank.
After bringing in the groceries and putting them away, I made and ate breakfast. I cut the spines off the aloe branch with a carrot peeler. Then I washed it. I cut off a chunk to eat. I ate the gel-like portion and rubbed the aloe skin on my face.
I pulled out some Christmas panels from my sewing room to hang on the wall. They needed hemming so I left them on my sewing cart. Then I read e-mail and listened to audios for hours.
Later, we ate the onion soup Chris had made. I added some pulled pork to mine. I read e-mail until he finished what he was doing on his laptop. Then I changed my clothes and shoes. We took Chris' car and went to see the light display at the botanical gardens.
It was a slow drive-thru affair. Many of the displays were botanical and not holiday-related. Some were of fairy-tale characters. Each one had a sign saying which group or person sponsored it. We were encouraged to tune to a special station as we drove.
It played Christmas tunes with an occasional factoid from the announcer. I enjoyed seeing the lights and trying to get some clear pics.
When we got home, we watched three episodes of Voyager. Then Chris went to bed. I took my evening supplements and typed up my blog post so I could join him.
* I just spent way too much time deleting blurry pics and cropping the ones that were left to get rid of the taillights of the car in front of us. *

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