Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Busy day

I woke up while Chris was taking a shower. All the coughing and hacking and nose-blowing made me feel badly for him. When he finally got out of the shower, I offered him some vitamin C, and he accepted it impatiently. So I went back to bed and did not bother him further.
I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. Maybe because of the daylight coming through the window. So I got up and started my detox day. I drank water and took niacin and activated charcoal. I exercised and drybrushed. I made a pot of coffee.
While I was meditating, a sound like something hitting the roof made me jump. Then I thought I heard voices above the meditation music. But I refused to be interrupted until the meditation was finished. Afterward, I looked outside but did not see anyone or anything unusual. I did lots of tapping.
Then, properly buzzed on caffeine, I started cleaning. I sprayed everything in the bathrooms with hydrogen peroxide. I wanted to kill all the cold germs Chris might have. I also cleaned the stove and kitchen countertops. I dustmopped the floor, and got down on my hands and knees to scrub at little spots of a tar-like substance. The fake wood floor has spots already so it can be difficult to tell the difference between what scrubs off and what doesn't. Then I mopped to get up all the little tarry bits.
Afterward, I read e-mail to get a break from scrubbing. When I'd caught up on that, I found more tarry spots by the front door. So I scrubbed them with my fingernail (works better than any cleaner or tool) and mopped. I also swept and mopped the bathroom floors. I threw the bathroom rugs in the washer along with some fabric that had mysterious stains on it. Then I filled the tub with hot water, and added Epsom salts, vinegar and essential oils. I left a video playing on my laptop so I could listen as I soaked, but it did not work out well. I could only make it out with my right ear and that was the one I wanted to soak underwater to heal the perennially itchy spot.
When the water started to cool, I pulled the plug and took a shower. I moved the stuff in the washer to the dryer, except for the white piece of fabric. I ironed it dry.
Then I called Beverly back because she had called twice earlier while I was meditating. She wanted to know how to hem cuffed pants, but I didn't know. Then Chris came home from work.
I decided to have a juice fast day because I hadn't eaten yet. I washed some veggies while he pulled out the pork that was slow-roasting in the oven all day. I juiced the salad stuff while he told me about his day. I jotted notes for my blog as I drank the juice. I got dressed. I washed the juicer and parts. I put the pulp in the fridge to make soup with later.
I remembered that Pat asked for an invoice for the book I got for the guild. I looked through my e-mails from Ebay and none of them mentioned the price. But when I tapped on “Track your package”, I found exactly what I needed. I highlighted it all, copied it to a Pdf and printed it out.
I took the rugs from the dryer and put them back in the bathroom. I reshelved the fabrics that were not chosen for the border. Then I searched through boxes for some denim scraps to mend Chris' jeans. I found one piece. Then it was time to leave.
I went to choir practice wearing two coats. My car read 45 degrees. When I got to the church, Jennifer laid out Christmas cards for us to sign. Melody directed the Christmas piece and then left. I took off one of my coats. We practiced with a cello player for the next piece. Then we sang from the hymnal and talked about caroling next Wednesday.
I went home using Airport road. There is something grand about coming over the hill at night and seeing the whole town spread out and lit up below. When I got home, Chris was ready to watch TV. I boiled water for bone broth. We watched three episodes of F Troop. I made some kava tea. And then we went to bed.
* Here is another one of Jane's quilts. It's kind of how I feel on caffeine. *

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