Friday, December 15, 2017

No party for me

I woke up with a tickle in my throat. I got up at 7 to put hydrogen peroxide in my ears. I swished with coconut oil and brushed my teeth.
I cut borders for the rail fence quilt. I sewed them together and ironed them. I also ironed the binding and wrapped it on a piece of cardboard. Then I auditioned fabrics for piping. I cut 5 strips from the winner. I ironed them in half. I pinned and sewed piping and border on one side of the quilt top.
I turned on the router. I took some immune defense beadlets and finished the rest of my quart of water. I read e-mail and listened to an audio. While it played, I made and ate breakfast, taking one of my new supplements that is supposed to add all the right things to digest all the no-no's plus whatever else one might have trouble digesting. It is called E3.
I printed out another Christmas card. I put it in an envelop and addressed it. I called William to tell him I was sending it. I did another one for Kurt.
I did a second side and sewed piping onto the third edge. I pinned the border on afterward.
Then I washed up and got dressed. I filled a bottle with salt water. I put the envelopes in the mail. Then I headed out to my Friday massage. Traffic was heavy already so I went the back way.
When I got there, she wasn't ready yet so I had to wait for the previous person to get finished. I sat in a chair and closed my eyes, starting the relaxation process. Then she called me back to the massage room. She spent a few minutes with the previous client in her office while I undressed and and got under the sheet on the table.
I was almost asleep when she came in. She started on my feet and asked if I hurt anywhere. I said no, but when she dug into my calves, the answer changed. It felt like there were eggs inside there. She went after all of them. I thought she got them all, but she said later that there were some left. Anyway, she did my legs and arms and back and neck and head. It was really good.
After she left, I did some stretches, then got dressed and went to her office. I waited while she got the room and table ready for the next person. When she came back, I paid her and we set a time for next week. I decided to try the hot stone massage for next time.
I drank some water and drove home. I was behind a truck carrying a load of branches. Some fell off and I had no choice but to drive over them because it was on the off-ramp and there was no way around. Grr!
When I got home, I took another E3 and ate the rest of the lamb and most of the onions that it was cooked in. Chris came home from work and the post office. He had a package for me. Yep, more supplements. And another set of lip balm pots.
I suggested that maybe I shouldn't go to the party tonight and he said I didn't have to go. (So much for coming up with a dozen reasons not to go) But for some reason, I still felt like I SHOULD go. It didn't make any sense.
Chris and I both read e-mail for a while. I started to get a headache. When he was ready to leave, I stayed behind. I did some tapping for feeling guilty. I ate a can of organic mushroom soup. I put all the veggie pulp and remaining sprouts in a pot on the stove to cook. William called to tell me he had cleaned up spilled coconut oil at Dad's house. Then I worked on the borders and quite forgot about the veggies. When I returned to the kitchen, they had boiled over. I turned off the heat and let them cool. I put on a tapping audio. I had two bowls of the soup. Chris came home from the party. He said some ladies asked about me. Then he sat down at his laptop. I finished putting piping and borders on the quilt and then I pressed it. I laid it on the guest bed.
Chris changed his clothes. He put on an episode of Miss Marple. I sat with him and we watched one show from under a quilt. Then we went back to our laptops. I wrote up my blog post for today. I got sidetracked following a few links, and then I posted and went to bed.

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