Friday, December 22, 2017

The last strip

I got up before 8. The teapot with ginger slices was still on the stove, cold. So I poured the liquid into ice cube trays. I put some more water in with the slices and turned the stove on again.
My laptop was still in the guest room and the router was still on. I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I turned off the stove. I listened to an interview on active dreaming while I rested on my infrared heating pad. I read an article about honey vs sugar. I finished my blog post for yesterday.
I made and ate breakfast. I meant to put some honey in it, but forgot.
I investigated the idea that A should be 432 instead of 440. I found some Mozart music remastered to play at A=432. So I set it to play in the background of my laptop.
I practiced my trombone and flute on Christmas songs in the hymnal. I sewed on the last blue strip to the quilt top and took pics. I sent a copy to Anna in Chinhae.
I came across the idea of the Mandela effect, wherein there are two versions of history and some people remember it one way, and others remember it differently. All the references point to one version but so many people remember the other version in exactly the same way. It gives rise to parallel universe theories. OR time travel gone wrong.
Then I took a walk around the neighborhood, circling the athletic field. When I got back, Chris was home from work. I went back to reading about the Mandela effect.
I heated a bowl of onion soup and pulled pork for supper. I also ate some seed crackers with hummus.
I pulled fabric from my stash to make Michele a handbag. But it was hard to get the right shades. I brought selections into the guest room and tried to coordinate fabrics. I couldn't find a set that worked. I decided to leave them until morning when the light was better.
At 8 we sat down to watch Voyager. Three episodes later, we were ready for bed. Chris turned in for the night and I stayed up to blog and take my evening supplements.

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