Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Eve Eve

I got up at 9:15, surprised it was so late. Chris had been up for awhile. He had wanted to go running but it was raining. Maybe the rain contributed to me sleeping so late?
I took some activated charcoal and read e-mail for a bit. I listened to some brainwave entrainment. I watched a video on A=432 vs A=440. Then there were those who thought A should = 430. I practiced my flute and trombone.
I made and ate breakfast. Then I looked at the fabric choices from last night. I settled on one set after trading out some of the blacks. I went looking for the pattern. I checked in boxes in the sewing room and the drawers. But no luck. I had to print out another set of pattern pieces. While I was at it, I re-did one of the recipe sheets on the wall and printed it out.
I cut and ironed fabric while Chris played ARC with Michele. Somehow one of the fabrics went missing and I had to search the house for it. I put some of the many stacks of fabric back in the sewing room.
Then Chris took a shower and dressed and invited me to go to the grocery store. I thought we were going tomorrow. Anyway, I put on shoes and we went. We got back just after 5. He could see that the service at the Catholic chapel had started already so he left and I put away the groceries by myself. To get all the food to fit in the fridge, I had to put the onion soup and the pulled pork in smaller containers. As it was suppertime, I filled a bowl with some of the leftovers and put it in the toaster oven. I washed the bigger containers while it cooked. I also heated some sauerkraut and kimchi on top of the toaster oven.
I ate while watching some tapping videos. Chris came back from the chapel almost as soon as the first video started. I took my evening supplements early. The computer got slow and the tapping videos were not responsive.
I sewed three strips together. I cut out the back of the purse. For the front, I had to make a pleat and use the back as a pattern piece. But the shape did not fit anymore. I cut it out as best I could. Then the next step was to fuse it with interfacing. I wondered if I had done that the first time I made the purse.
It was after 8 so I mentioned the time to Chris. We put on Voyager and watched two episodes. Then I went back to my computer to type up my blog and got sidetracked looking up one of the familiar characters.
After finishing my blog, I went to bed.

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