Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Lost in the dark

I woke up early and did some mental programming. Then I got up about 7:38. I started swishing while listening to a CD and doing a cold detox bath. Later, I tried lying on the infrared heating pad. But I was not even close to sweating. Since my thermometers all said 65 and the thermostat said 70, I turned the heat up to 75. But the thermometers did not change. I put the ceiling fans on low to blow the heat back down toward the floor.
I boiled water for coffee and did my exercises and drybrushing. I did lots of tapping and meditation.
For some reason, I got a caffeine rush, which is unusual. But helpful, since I needed to clean for tomorrow. I did the kitchen counter tops and mopped the floor. Then I scrubbed the bathroom sinks and toilets. I scrubbed parts of the tub, too. I swept the floors, but was too tired then to mop them. I dustmopped the wooden floors in the living area. I also cleaned the diningroom table. I looked for anything else that might need cleaning before the maintenance people come tomorrow, and I spied the pumpkin sitting in the garage. It looked like a deflated basketball with juice pooling on one side. Yikes!
I looked for my new bottle of glutatione and when I could not find it, I contacted the company. Since I had just opened the box on Monday, the old bottle should have been replaced by the new one. The company said they would send a replacement.
I meant to have an Epsom salt soak, but did not have the energy for it. I made and ate breakfast. Then I took a shower and laid on the infrared mat again. When I got up, it was dark. My finger was hurting again and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't healing. It felt infected, but there was no cut so far as I could see. I trimeed the corner of the nail and put hydrogen peroxide on it anyway.
I laid out quilt squares in diagonal rows. Sadly my table wasn't quite big enough to lay them all out. When I noticed the time, I rushed out to choir practice. They were just getting started when I got there. We practiced songs I hadn't sung before. At the end, the director announced that in two weeks, instead of practice, we would sing for shut-in couples from our church. And then bring cookies for a party at Barbara's house.
As the members started leaving, I handed out some of the lip balms. I gave one to Jennifer and to Mary. I walked out with them and then headed home. I was almost home when Chris called. He was waiting to board his plane. I suggested getting a taxi and he said he would rather I picked him up. I told him it was really cold and he asked me to bring him a coat.
When I got in, I put my jar of lip balm in a double boiler. I washed and dried the remaining 15 pots. When the balm was melted, I used the syringe to fill the little pots. As the big pot resolidified, I listened to an audio on autoimmunity. I put the pumpkin in a large bowl and it went out the back door. Then I scrubbed up the putrid pumpkin juice. It had flowed under the wall behind the water heater so I could not get it all. I sprayed it with essential oil spray to cover the smell.
I ate some tomatoes, jicama, cashews, and a hard boiled egg. I sewed blocks together in rows. But by the time I got near the bottom, the blocks that were left did not match the pattern. There were two strips left, so I re-created some blocks.
Then I put my shoes on. I started cleaning up the lip balm project and Chris called from the airport. So I threw on my coat and a scarf. I headed out the infamous Gate 9. Being that it was dark and late at night, I got lost. I thought I had crossed 565 so I took a left to exit onto the highway, but there wasn't one. I drove around for awhile before I realized that I must not have crossed 565. I got back on the first road and continued farther. Then I saw the signs for a right hand exit. Finally I was on my way to the airport.
When I got there, Chris was waiting with his suitcase. He said he had just sat down. He loaded his luggage and got in the passenger seat. I drove us home with a little direction from him to be sure I didn't get lost again.
When we got home, I put finishing touches on my blog and posted it, more than ready to go to bed.

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