Saturday, December 30, 2017

Everything but the kitchen sink

I think I got up around 8. I felt like I had a cold, mostly congestion in my sinuses. So, I spent pretty much all day looking up cold remedies on the internet.
First Chris boiled some water and put it in the washbowl for me. I put some peppermint oil drops on a small towel in the water and made a tent over it with a big towel. I breathed in the scent until the water ran out. I drank some water and boiled more. I pushed the drain plug in harder. This time I used eucalyptus oil and it worked better. But I still felt sick and the congestion would not entirely go away.
Following an example on the internet, I decided to take one gram of Vitamin C every 6 minutes. I had a little digital timer that made it easy. I mixed 4 different types of powdered C in a small container. As I explored more remedies, I waited for the timer to ring and then put a gram in my mouth and chased it with water.
Next, I boiled some cinnamon in water, adding cloves and diced ginger. When it was done steeping, I added honey and lemon. It was tasty enough, but I still felt sick.
I read about taking a bath with 3 pints of hydrogen peroxide, but I did not have that much. I also read about ionic silver, but I somehow never got around to taking that.
After a while, all that vitamin C got to my stomach. I must have taken 20 grams. I ate a little coconut oil. Then I wrapped myself in my warm fleece bathrobe and laid down on my infrared heating pad to sweat. I listened to an audio and fell asleep. But I did not sweat.
It was hard to find any solutions that I had not already heard of. So I randomly picked things I had and searched for “treat a cold with X “. I took some probiotics. I ate some kimchi and sauerkraut. I listened to a binaural beats audio at a frequency of 1.8. I think it would have worked better if I were laying down, but the laptop had run out of juice while I was laying down before and it still needed to recharge.
There was a baking soda cure which involved dissolving a half tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drinking it 6 times the first day, 4 on the second and maybe two on the third? It sounded yucky. But in the comments someone said they mixed it with maple syrup instead. So I tried mixing it with local honey. It tasted ok as long as I did not try to savor it. But my stomach did not care for it. Chris made a big pot of soup for me, so I tried to eat some. Maybe because of the baking soda, it did not digest well.
I took a break to work on the purse for Michele. I made the pockets and sewed them into the lining. Then I sewed the lining pieces together and boxed the corners. Then I put the lining inside the bag. The fit did not seem right. I gave up.
I took some propolis and that helped a little. I watched Youtube videos on strange inventions and other 'dramatic' stuff.
At 8 my stomach was feeling better, so I made breakfast. I ate it while watching Travelers with Chris. Again, we watched too many episodes and it was well after 11 when I called time. I took my evening supplements and sat down to write up my blog. Chris went to bed and I am about to join him.
* quilt show *

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