Wednesday, March 14, 2018

a Fat bomb for Pi day

I got up at 7:45. I sewed patches together, then turned on the router. I woke up my laptop and got a quart of filtered water. I swished, then took some niacin. I read e-mail until it kicked in. Then I did my exercises. I made coffee. I meditated and tapped. It was convenient that there is a MeditationFest this week. But the swami had a voice that was hard to make out.
Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen while listening to interviews from the dental summit. I swept the floors, and then mopped until the mop broke. The head came off of the end. I tried to put it back on and clamp it with a wrench, but the metal would not hold its shape anymore.
One of the interviewees said that it is possible to have an abscessed tooth that doesn't hurt. It would only show up on 3-D x-rays. Such an infection could cause heart problems. Hmm. I put a slice of garlic on a tooth that might be cracked. But it burned my cheek. So then I swished with clove and peppermint oil in water to kill any bacteria in my mouth. I seemed to feel better.
Myra had sent me her new number on Facebook, so I called her to catch up. We talked for some time, but then her husband came home and they had to go somewhere.
I made up my evening supplements for 8 days. None of them seemed to be running out. So I finished my Swanson's order and submitted it. I also made one with Amazon. I listened to some old songs and did a little paida. Then I took a shower. Chris came home just as I got out. I dressed for a walk while we talked. He said he'll find out Monday if he has an interview next Friday. Then I went for a walk. I picked some fresh pine needles. When I got back, I ate some fish and made a large salad, with garlic.
I finished the meal with a banana and cinnamon. Then I got dressed for choir. I listened to part of an audio while I looked up label templates. When the time came, I left for church. There was an evening service first, with a member of the congregation playing the role of Caiaphas. Then we had choir practice. I gave Jennifer one of my fat bombs. We sang through all the songs. The last one was difficult and there isn't much time before Easter to get it right.
The chest pains came back. I meant to try imbibing some baking soda in water when I got home to see if it was GERD. But when I arrived, my water glass was full of ACV water, so I drank that. I also put a kava tea bag in water for later. We watched one episode of Voyager and one of F-Troop. Then Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I took my evening supplements, drank the kava tea, blogged and joined him.

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