Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Have spoon, will travel

I got up around 8. I sliced a gray block and sewed a bright strip to one side. Then I turned on the router and woke up my laptop. I plugged in the speakers and played the interviews from last night's tapping summit. While I listened, I drank water, swished, exercised, performed lajin, and tapped. I put background music on for meditation.
When my coffee morning was over, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and swept all the fake wood floors. I scrubbed the tub because Maintenance is supposed to come by on Friday and check filters, and for water damage.
I put on the Skinny on Fat while I cleaned. Here are today's notes:
See bright light first thing in the morning. Watch the sunset. The colors program your brain for sleep. Fasting triggers autophagy which means it only feeds the healthiest cells and it breaks down all the other ones to use as fuel. But you have to fast for 4 days to start getting that benefit. Some microbes only proliferate at night, they make neurotransmitters but only if the melatonin is right. Women are more prone to circadian rhythm dysfunction than men
Get 15 minutes of sunlight every morning for better sleep. Cancer cells multiply twice as fast when you are sleep-deprived. Avoid sitting disease by moving every 20 minutes. Fidgeting more helps. Walking is good and it doesn't matter if it is 30 minutes all at once, or 10 minutes three times a day. 10 minutes is the minimum and 30 minutes is the high point of return for effort.

I did not make breakfast. I decided that eating is not helping so I am going to try not eating for awhile. Whenever I get hungry, I will tap.
I surfed the internet looking for fabric to match the water pattern fabric I found in my stash. I wanted to replace it if I used it for the background of the banner. But as it turned out, it was too bright anyway. But I had seen sandy footprint fabric online that might just work.
I went for a walk/run. Each run was about a minute. When I got back, I checked the mail and found a St. Patrick's Day card from Mary Ann. I saw where the yard people had mown and the debris had sprayed all over my car. Good thing I hadn't washed it. Next Wednesday the housing people are washing residents cars for free.
I read e-mail. I made a cup of bone broth. I listened to yesterday's tapping meditation. Chris came home during the meditation. My left wrist started hurting. I tapped, of course, then tried a bag of frozen peas. I also tried massage. I took a shower and got dressed for choir. I looked for something to immobilize my wrist. Chris suggested a wooden spoon, so I wrapped it on with a stretch bandage. I went through my fabric collection looking for sandy footprint fabric. No luck, but I pulled a few other possibilities. I took them to the cutting table. I prepared the circles to be moved. Chris offered me a bite of the veggies that he just roasted. I told him I was on a fast. Then I went back to my laptop to look at church fabrics online. I sent Jennifer a text to explain that I wasn't coming to the service, but I would attend choir practice.
When the time came, I left for the church. It hurt to drive because the spoon was in the way and my right hand was getting tired of doing all the work. I arrived before the service let out. I sat in my car awhile, then went inside and used the restroom. I sat in the lobby while they finished the last hymn. Then I went in. I spoke to Don, and then joined the assembling choir. Susan complimented my spoon. She suggested I wear it to bed as well. We sang through our songs and it got late. So I had to run when Jennifer called time. I drove back to base taking Airport Road so as to see the city lights from the hill.
When I got home, I made a mug of bone broth. Chris told me 24 hour fast wasn't long enough to do much. We watched two episodes of Voyager. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and then retired.
* This is the little quilt top that I finished on Monday for the Modern Quilt Guild. *

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