Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Needle little tea?

I got up at 7:45. I drank some of my quart of water, then I swished while sewing patches together. I examined the modem/router to see if there was a way to turn off the 5g part. I did not see any controls. I turned it on and woke up my laptop. I watched episode 10 and checked e-mail. I washed some pine needles and placed them in a nug. I poured hot water over them and let them steep. Then I took out the needles and drank the tea. It wasn't bad, much better than just chewing on the needles.
I also had time to make fat bombs. I melted coconut butter, coconut oil and butter on the stove. I added ground cacao and cinnamon. I poured it into little cups in a mini muffin container. It did not all fit. I left the remainder in the pan.
I got dressed, and went to sewing. I sat between Jane and Robin. We chatted as I worked on my rug . I also talked to a retired biology teacher whose name escapes me now. As the ladies left, I realized Beverly was not coming. So I called her. She was sick. We talked for awhile, then I went to the Asian store for kimbap and brought it home.
The fat bombs were not quite solid yet so I put them in the fridge. I pulled out the kimchi and ate it with the kimbap. Beverly texted me a pic but my phone would not display it. So I called my phone company to ask why. The young man suggested I turn my phone off and back on. He reset something, then started to make another suggestion, but we were cut off. I powered down my phone and turned it back on. Then I had no trouble seeing the picture.
I ate a fat bomb, and decided it was better cold. I took the cold bombs from the tray and put new papers in. I heated up the remaining fat bomb mixture and poured it into the mini-muffin tin and placed it in the fridge. I ate some fish.
I called the insurance company and was put on hold. I went looking for a spare blade for the lawn mower, but all I found was a file and a wrench. While I waited for them to call me back, I started assembling 12 days worth of supplements. Beverly called to say she'd been to the doctor and gotten some medicine. I was glad she was feeling better. Before I finished the supplements, the insurance called back. I asked my questions and got some answers. Then I finished and listened to an audio. Chris came home from work with two packages. I unpacked each one and put the packages away. One had freeze-dried bananas. I ate a few. I paused the interview and went outside to take off the blade and run the file over it. The blade edge was in bad shape. I filed for some time, then returned it to the mower. I mowed part of the lawn, but the effect was only slight. I wondered if I had put the blade on backward. Also, the motor wasn't very loud and so the battery might need charging. It had been charged recently, so I plugged it into a different outlet. I resumed the interview. While it played, I opened a packet of miswak stick. I bit the tender bark off of the end and crushed the inside with my teeth until it became like bristles. I 'brushed' my teeth, thinking it wasn't suited to all the surfaces. I looked it up online but did not see where I was doing it incorrectly.
Chris called Michele to ask a question so I got to talk to her for a little bit. I did not realize they were going to a convention this weekend.
I went to the Swanson's website to reorder the supplements that were running low. I filled the cart, then changed my clothes. I drove to church for a stewardship meeting. It seemed to be the same old story – the amount given is less than the budget or the anticipated giving. We discussed passing out time and talent sheets to the congregation. I offered to collate the results and send them to the appropriate committee heads.
We wrapped up at 8. I went home to find Chris watching a movie on his laptop. I warmed my cold hands on his arms. Then we watched two episodes of Voyager. Chris made his sandwich and invited me to bed. I stayed up to write to my blog, wondering if he would still be awake.

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