Friday, March 23, 2018

A sew-at-home day

I got up at 8:30. I sewed a block and triangle set to the center and then made another set. I turned on the router (or thought I did). I swished with salt water and tried to get on my laptop. But I had to go back to the router and turn it on (again?). I checked e-mail. I massaged the lymph pathways in my head and neck.
I looked up white streaks on gums. One link suggested that it might be fungal. So I applied hydrogen proxide to the gums and rinsed it with baking soda in water, what little pain there was, was reduced. I consumed some colostrum, I made and ate breakfast while listening to audios. I put some neem on the white spot which now looked like a fermata. I decided to swish with salt water more often.
I went searching for boxes that would have come from the dining room in Korea. Chris wanted some photographs that were on the table. I looked around the house, and then in the garage. It was such a nice day that I turned off the heat and opened all the doors, including the garage door. I hunted through boxes and found things like new pantyhose, microfiber dustcloths, and an extension cord. But not the photographs.
I worked on the orphan block quilt top. I finished sewing on the outside blocks and triangles. Then I put a small strip over all the bias edges. I started sewing other strips onto that to fill out the space. Then I heard the trumpet play retreat (or whatever it is they play at 5pm each day). My watch read 3:35. Just then I heard Chris come home and walk in through the garage. I hadn't realized it was so late.
I went for a walk. I checked out the spot where the daffodils were and it seems someone dug them up. I was hoping to find tulips near the same spot. But if there were, someone took those as well. As I neared the house, I checked the mail and cleaned papers out of my car.
When I got back inside, Chris cooked some fish for me. I picked dandelion in the backyard and made a salad. I ate it while reading e-mail and then playing Solitaire.
We watched three episodes of Enterprise. Then Chris went to bed since he was falling asleep on the couch anyway. I took my evening supplements and made some kava tea. Then I typed up my blog and went to bed. I hope I can sleep since I forgot to wear my special glasses.
* This is one of the quilts that Christy inherited. *

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