Thursday, March 22, 2018

Making adjustments

I got up just after 8. I sewed a pair of triangles to a block, then turned on the router. I checked e-mail. I listened to part of a podcast by the author of Glow 15, a book on health and nutrition and anti-aging. I paused it at 9:30.
I put my supplements in a box. They would not all fit so I took out the largest bottles and put some of each in small empty bottles. I put the box in one of the grocery store shopping bags. I put my clipboard in as well. I grabbed my container of fat bombs and a can of coconut water. I put it all in the back seat and wheeled my sewing machine out to the trunk. Then I departed for the doctor's office.
Apparently, 10am is the first appointment so I did not have to wait. He took me in the exam room. I showed him my box of supplements. He started muscled-testing me for each one. But so many tested weak that he decided that my system wasn't ready for all of that. He said most of the corrections from yesterday had held. He determined that by testing different points. He tested all my teeth and they were all strong. He made a few more adjustments and said we should take it slow, that it takes the body 90 to 120 days to fully acclimate to the changes no matter how many sessions there are. He also talked about his experiences in the military. When he was done, I went to the front desk to pay and left for quilting.
When I arrived, there were not many ladies there. I ate fat bombs while they ate their lunch, I worked on my red project. Christy got a box of old linens and quilts. She showed us what was in it. At 2:30 we packed up and left. I went to Advance Auto with my battery and charger. The lady was there, but all she said was that the charger probably was the problem and that I should try Batteries and Beyond on the parkway. So I went there. But they did not have a comparable charger, nor could they order one. So I went home.
I checked the mail. There was something important for some other name at our address, so I marked it out and put it in the outgoing box. I kept the pretty Easter card from MaryAnne. I ate a turkey burger and listened to more of the audio. I called Neuton and ordered a new battery charger. Chris came home with a package of supplements from Swansons. I swished with sea salt water while going for a walk. When I got back, I picked dandelion from the back yard. I laid down in the sunshine for a few minutes. Then I got up to make a large salad. I ate it while checking e-mail. I listened to the Day 4 meditation from Oprah. I took the new shower filter from its package and submerged it in water in the sink to saturate it.
I moved my laptop to the guest room. When my tapping buddy called, we were able to converse without interruption for over an hour. After the call, I laid down. When Chris finished what he was watching on his laptop, we watched two episodes of Enterprise. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I typed up my blog while wearing my new blue-blocking glasses. My eyes feel better wearing them, but so far getting to sleep has not been any easier.

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