Friday, March 9, 2018

Food, glorious food!

I got up at 7, glad to be up early since the time changes this week. I sewed two patches together and then turned on the router. While reading e-mail, I drank a quart of water with vinegar and sea salt added. My wrist was hurting again, so I put the spoon on. The stretchy tape wasn't holding any more so I had to pin it. I did lajin during the second audio. During another, I went through the bag of fabric that Rebecca had given me. She wants her bag back so I have to empty it. I pulled out a few larger pieces to audition as background for the banner. One was so-so. In the bottom of the bag I found a bobbin donut. The one I have is full so it is nice to have another. There was also a wrist band with magnets to hold pins. I used it to replace the stretchy tape holding the spoon.
I pulled out pieces to make a stained glass quilt that might become a background for the banner. Among the pieces were a set of coordinated fabrics plus partial pieces of a quilt top in progress. I separated them from the rest and spread them out so I could asses how far along it was. Four rows were already sewn together and many more pieces were cut, but they weren't quite the same size as the rows. Perhaps she had given up on it for that reason. I concocted a plan to make up the difference.
I was hoping to go for a walk since it was sunny, but I was waiting for the maintenance people to make their rounds. I cued up a another audio and kept working. I was sorry that the Skinny on Fat summit was over.
It was after three when two men showed up. One checked the water heater and the other changed the furnace filter. I pointed out the mildew on the ceiling of the bathroom and the disturbance on the ceiling of the diningroom. They assured me that the diningroom issue was purely cosmetic and not the result of water damage. They promised to come back and clean the mildew.
I returned to work on the project, finding ways to add the leftovers to the final project. The men returned with paper towels and a spray bottle. I kept sewing while they did their thing. Sometime after they left, Chris came home. He thought he smelled paint. I checked the ceiling and it did look like they might have painted it.
Pat called to see if she could come by with a check for the books she picked up yesterday. I agreed, and soon she was ringing my doorbell. She gave me the check, and an envelop of labels so I could print out labels for the books.
I tried to mow, but it just wasn't cutting. So I picked some dandelion. I hadn't eaten yet because I couldn't decide what to eat. But the dandelion looked good. I washed it and covered it in olive oil and spices. I also ate some ghee and went back to reading e-mail. Faye called to tell me that Ben Fox had died. I had not seen him in years. She also told me that Donna had moved. We discussed Dad's situation as well. After she hung up, I passed the info on to Kurt.
I didn't have much time left before my skype call, but I was able to eat an egg, some kimchi and seed crackers. I wanted to inhale everything in the fridge. I moved my laptop to the guest room for privacy. When she was ready, we talked about the tapping summit for a bit. Then we tapped on my anxieties from the day I went to the ER.
After we concluded the call, I told Chris I was ready to watch TV. We watched two episodes of Voyager. We could have seen a third, but I thought we needed to practice going to bed early. Then I took off the spoon so I could type my blog. Chris went to bed and I put my nightgown on the couch so I wouldn't have to wake him up when I came to bed.

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