Monday, March 19, 2018

It's tooth-hurty

Because the sky was overcast this morning, I did not realize how late it was. I got up at 8:30. I was going to sew one seam before turning on the router, but I got caught up and spent closer to an hour sewing seams and creating the center of the orphan block quilt.
I listened to audios while I looked up how to treat infected teeth. My tooth did not hurt, but the gum above it did, and the pain was running in an upward streak toward my cheek. I was quite worried. I called the doctor that Jennifer had recommended and made an appointment, but he couldn't see me until Wednesday. I called the holistic dentist in Tn. The receptionist answered my questions and it seemed my choices were still the same as locally, plus they are two hours away. I put clove oil on a swab and stuck it in my cheek for awhile. I swished with coconut oil. I took multiple packets of lyphosperic vitamin C. I did some lymph-moving exercises. I felt around under my jaw bone and located some points that were not entirely comfortable. I ate a fat bomb. I swished with essential oils mixed in water. I used colloidal silver I tapped for the pain and the worry. I thought if the tooth did not hurt, then it was probably dead and needed to come out.
Finally, I went to quilting. I stopped on the way to fill my tank with gas. When I got to the church, only a few ladies were there. I did not bring my machine because I figured they would council me to go directly to the dentist. However, the consensus was that I should see a GP first in case it was a sinus infection. Bertha helped me call my dentist and that receptionist urged me to see an endodontist. She spoke of root canals in glowing terms. Their office was closing at 2 due to impending inclement weather so she could not fit me in today anyway. My quilting posse was of the opinion that I was in ok shape to wait until I saw the doctor on Wednesday. I wasn't so sure.
Chris called to say he had arrived home from St. Louis and wanted to go grocery shopping. So I said goodbye to the ladies and drove home. He was eating a sandwich, but when he finished, we went to Publix for our weekly groceries. I explained about the pain in my gums. He thought if the tooth was dead and infected that my palate would hurt as well. It didn't, of course. So I continued on with the swishing, the clove swab, etc. I took a gelcap of essential oils for allergies. After a good long salt swish, I started brushing my teeth, then stopped to examine my gum. There was a white spot and a streak of red like a strip of skin was missing. Chris thought nothing of it, but I wondered if it meant progress in the right direction, or the wrong one. I put a clove swab in my mouth again while I read e-mail and checked the house mail. There was a package of supplements and a check from Neilsen.
Chris cooked turkey burgers for me. I ate one and meditated while he made his supper. We tried to watch Lucifer on TV, but the local station was playing weather alerts instead. I went to the FOX website to watch it, but they only let me watch 5 minutes and most of that was commercials. So we went to Netflix and watched 4 episodes of Voyager. Sadly, it was the last four. I feel like we are saying goodbye to a group of old friends.
Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I took my evening supplements and drank kava tea. Then I swished with salt water while I typed up my blog.
* Did I mention that my laptop went through a bunch of updates today and now cropping a mere picture is more effort than I am used to. *

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