Friday, July 27, 2018

A good day for stripping

I got up at 8:45, surprised it was so late. I brushed, drank some water, then swished while sewing a strip to the block. Then I worked on Jennifer's skirt, practicing my speech about how I don't have luck with zippers and hers is an invisible zipper which requires a special foot that I don't have, and furthermore if it doesn't fit or she doesn't like it, I am not doing it over again.
I got dressed and turned on the router. The laptop was being unresponsive. So I unplugged it for a second and it 'came alive'. That trick worked last night as well, surprising me that such a simple thing could get it's attention. But I didn't trust it as a permanent solution. So I rebooted the computer while the cursor was still under my control and that seemed to cure the problem.
I considered taking my car to the dealership to have the turn signal checked. Looking at my blog for last year, I saw that I bought it on July 25th, so it is technically over a year old. I called the dealership and the lady said I had a 30,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. I tried to explain what was happening with the blinker, but she said I needed to talk to a repair person. She left them a message to call me, but no one ever did.
I put my green shirt in a gallon of hot water to simmer on the stove. The green dye bled into the water and hopefully will stick in the spots where the bleach took it out. I liked the green so much that I put some white fabric in as well.
Here are some notes I took from an interview.
Drink 16 oz of straight celery juice for gut health. Fruit is critical for longevity, particularly wild blueberries. Many people have some form of the Epstein barr virus which make them susceptible to all kinds of mystery illnesses like RA, Lyme, fibromyalgia, migraines, ALS, MS, and lupus. Epstein Barr feeds on eggs, dairy, corn, canola oil, gluten and some chicken. To fight it, you need the right kind of B-12, and zinc: adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin. Elevated biotics are stronger than probiotics. They live on leaves in your garden.
I looked for more pumpkins forming in the mess of vines out back. I didn't see any. I removed grass from the narrow channels between the fences. When I came in, I cut strips of fleece while listening to a tapping video. I saw the sun come out so I got a towel and laid out for awhile. Chris was inside when I came in. He had brought a package from Swansons from the post office. I opened the box and put each bottle in its place. I laid my head on the dining room table and used an eye dropper to spread onion juice on the right side of my skull. When it dried, I continued cutting strips and listening to yet another podcast.
I paused it when Faye called. We discussed time off for the holidays and their recent trip to PA. After the call, I cut more strips and continued the podcast. When it finished, I took a walk (and did some running). I checked out the blackberry patch, but the vines were all dried up, which was odd because everything else was green.
When I got back, it was almost 8. I made lots of salad. When I had eaten it all, we watched one episode of Continuum and three episodes of McHale's Navy. Chris got on his laptop and I swished with Dr. Christopher's Tooth Powder while typing up my blog post.

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