Monday, July 23, 2018

Making progress on the panel project

I watched ASMR videos last night hoping it would help me sleep. And they may have, but not as quickly as I'd like, plus it was 11:30 so that may have been part of it.
I woke up in the morning and did some visualization for the cavitation healing. When I got up, I was surprised to find it was 8:30. I rinsed my mouth with the mouthwash and scraped my tongue. Then I drank a cup of water and brushed my teeth with the chocolate remineralizing toothpaste. I swished while sewing strips onto the block in progress. When it was down to the last one, I left it for tomorrow.
I turned on the router and read e-mail. I listened to Day 1 of the new meditation series by Oprah and Deepak. I hope I can keep up even though experience tells me otherwise. I did three forward head rolls on the bed. I rinsed out 6 balls of dyed fabric and left them to dry a little in the laundry room. I made and ate breakfast. I got a text asking for prayer, so I thought for a bit, then said a prayer. I got dressed. I packed up the panel project and added it to my sewing gear. I moved it all outside to my trunk. Then I watered the plants just before I left.
I arrived at quilting just after 12:30. They were finished with lunch and spreading out to sew. Some were leaving. I set up in the back. I talked to Susan about her project. Laurie was doing the same one. Bertha was doing a project that needed 1/8ths so she used my rulers. I talked with the ladies while I cut and sewed strips to the panel and got it all in one piece. It was 3pm so I packed up to go home.
I drove home. I brought my sewing gear inside. I trimmed the panel. I trimmed the skirt. I called the biological dentist to find more information on how to use the cream. She suggested using a q-tip. I ate some liver with pickled garlic. I was listening to an interview when Chris came home. We talked for a bit. Then I called Dad for his 81st birthday, which is technically tomorrow, but Tuesday is a busy day for me. And as it turned out, a busy day for him, too. He is going to have his head examined. I hope he finds the imaging place because he sounded a little unsure. I read e-mail articles and ate a seed cracker and some nuts.
I did some tapping and went for a walk. Several houses had their trash out, even though trash doesn't go until Wednesday. But there were interesting things on the piles. But I kept on walking.
When I got home, I made lots of salad and ate it. I played on my computer until Chris was ready to watch TV. Then the lady next door came over with some extra produce. I gave her some goat milk kefir. Chris and I watched two episodes of Continuum. He made his sandwich and packed his suitcase before going to bed. I swished while trying to finish my most recent game of Solitaire but it was nigh impossible. So now I am writing this blog post, ready to go to bed.
* Dinah made this rug from half of a jelly roll. *

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