Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Secret of Moonacre

I put some ozone cream on the itchy bug bite last night, but when I woke up, it was still itchy. I had also put some on my ear, and it was feeling a little better.
I got up 15 minutes after my alarm went off. I scraped my tongue, and drank a cup of lemon water, Then I brushed my teeth, and swished while sewing a strip onto the block in progress. After that, I took a shower and then read e-mail waiting for my hair to dry. I ate a fat bomb and got dressed. I took my black and white purse and drove to church.
Susan was greeting people coming in the door. She asked to meet me after the service. Then I got a bulletin and sat in my usual pew. Don sat beside me, as usual. The pastor led the service. When we sang the last hymn, I noticed it was the same as the communion hymn. Afterward, I met Susan at the wallhanging. She pulled out some paper leaf shapes and arranged them on the banner to hide the offending 'L'. I agreed to do something with it. Tim and Jim came over to talk about financial reports. I tried to take pics of the brick wall behind the wallhanging, but someone was turning the lights out. Then I went to my car and called Chris to meet me at Publix.
I drove to the grocery store. I got a cart and went around putting in the stuff I could remember from the list. Chris arrived with the list and met me in Produce. We got some fruits and vegetables. I stopped by the Oral Care aisle to check out Sonicare toothbrushes, which the dentist recommended. There were two, a cheap one with expensive replacement heads and an expensive one with cheaper replacement heads. At that moment, I had a hot flash and felt like my head would explode. So I walked away. Chris went to check out and I went home.
When I got home, I changed out of my dress and hung it up. Chris came home with the bags of food. I helped take the items from the bags. Then I laid down for a nap. I did not think I had fallen asleep until I realized that the experience I was having was rather unbelievable. I don't remember it however.
I got up from my nap to make bread for Chris, but there wasn't enough flour. So he went to Kroger for flour and garlic. I made and ate breakfast while he was gone. When he got back, I finished making the bread. I read e-mail and looked at reviews for different models of Sonicare electric toothbrushes. Most complaints were about the batteries going bad.
I took a break to mow the back yard. But the battery went flat before I finished. I pulled it out of the mower and set it up to recharge. I was horrified when I realized the pumpkin was rotting, so I picked it. I took a cold shower and changed my clothes. I cut up the pumpkin and peeled it and froze the good parts. I looked up recipes for green pumpkin but did not see any that appealed to me.
I folded some laundry. I ironed a dress from the pile and hung it up. I pulled the fabrics that Beverly and I are going to share and cut them in half. Then I looked at the receipt to figure out how much those halves cost. I listened to a podcast. I ate some of the beef tongue that Chris had cooked for me this morning. Then I made a salad.
I listened to another interview until Chris was ready to watch TV. We'd run out of episodes of Death in Paradise. Chris suggested a movie called The Secret of Moonacre with the guy who played Hornblower but whose name I can't spell. It was pretty good, though perhaps written for a younger crowd. Then I sat down to write my blog. Chris looked up some of the characters that looked familiar. I took my evening supplements and brushed my teeth and used the ozone cream and went to bed.
* This is a pic from Wilson's Fabric Outlet in Boaz. I wanted a barn panel but did not see any on the bolt. *

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